New Strings
New Strings detected in Bomber Royale - Season 2.
Daily Adventure: Complete an adventure to earn this bonus reward. Adventures can be acquired from friendly creatures on Luminopolis Outposts, Geode Topside landing pads, Clubs, or the Geode Hub. This Adventure gives experience and is only available for 24 hours.
Complete an Adventure
Daily Adventure: Complete an hourly challenge. Challenge are available for the first 20 minutes of every hour. Finish all three tiers to complete this adventure. This Adventure gives experience and is only available for 24 hours.
Complete a Challenge
Daily Adventure: Complete any Dungeon to complete this adventure. Dungeons can be found in Adventure worlds. This Adventure gives experience and is only available for 24 hours.
Complete a Dungeon
Daily Adventure: Attempt to upgrade a gem to complete this adventure. This Adventure gives experience and is only available for 24 hours.
Upgrade a Gem
Daily Adventure: Collect a Delve Shadowkey Fragment from completing dungeons in Prime Uber worlds. This Adventure gives experience and is only available for 24 hours.
Gather a Key Fragment
Daily Adventure: Trigger magic find by finding equipment. This Adventure gives experience and is only available for 24 hours.
Trigger Magic Find
Daily Adventure: Collect any ore to complete this adventure. This Adventure gives experience and is only available for 24 hours.
Gather an Ore
Message too long to deliver.
System unable to forward message.
Daily Adventure Completion Reward
This activity is available in the Events tab of the Adventure Journal for 24 hours.
Thanks for the help, Trovian!
Happy Spring Cleaning 2019!
This Temporary 10 Dragon Coin Boost has been automatically applied and will last 7 days.
Check the Adventure Journal Events tab for Splendid Summer Daily Adventures!
Check the Adventure Journal Events tab for Luxion's Spring Cleaning Daily Adventures!
Usage: /club fixtureautopay [0|1]
The club has autopayment of fixtures disabled.
The club has autopayment of fixtures enabled.
Autpayment of {0}'s fixtures is already disabled.
Autopayment of {0}'s fixtures is already enabled.
Please confirm that you wish to disable autopayment of club fixtures:
Please confirm that you want to enable autopayment of club fixtures:
You do not have permission to change this club's fixture autopayment setting.
Autopaid {0} Clubits upkeep for a level {1} {2} fixture.
{0} disabled autopayment of club fixtures.
{0} enabled autopayment of club fixtures.
How many would you like to compost?
Some items were not Loot Collected for an unknown reason.
You must both: {0} {1}
Activate the Cursed Skulls to summon the Delve Tier Boss
You must either: {0} {1}
Unable to determine what is needed to summon the boss of this tier.
Reach Cursed Skulls: {0}
Kill creatures: {0}
This delve depth has not yet been started.
Take pride in yourself and help Amberine explore the wonders of Trove.
Luxion needs your help; He's got too many items. Come see him in the hub during this special 3 week event!
Ready to be harvested in {0}.
The player you invited is not online.
Splendid Summer 1/6: Hi Trovian, it's me Amberine! We don't have seasons on Geode but Trove never seems to stop changing and becoming more beautiful. You should be proud of your planet and of yourself. Choose a summer look to celebrate!
Splendid Summer 1/6: Hi Trovian, it's me Amberine! We don't have seasons on Geode but Trove never seems to stop changing and becoming more beautiful. You should be proud of your planet and of yourself. Choose a summer look to celebrate!
Choose your Summer Look
Choose your Summer Look
Splendid Summer 2/6: The best place to show off your look is on the Bomber Royale victory screen. Take out some other Trovians and see if you can come out the victor.
Splendid Summer 2/6: The best place to show off your look is on the Bomber Royale victory screen. Take out some other Trovians and see if you can come out the victor.
Take down Trovians in Bomber Royale
Take down 2 Trovians or Win in Bomber Royale
Splendid Summer 3/6: Showing off and being proud shouldn't be about fighting though. It should be about you. Make other Trovians proud too by helping them out. Complete Club Adventures to give back to your community.
Splendid Summer 3/6: Showing off and being proud shouldn't be about fighting though. It should be about you. Make other Trovians proud too by helping them out. Complete Club Adventures to give back to your community.
Complete Club Adventures
Complete Club Adventures
Splendid Summer 4/6: Trove is looking great but I've heard there are others in need of assistance. Go help some Kami in Luminopolis or Geodians on Geode. It's time to celebrate!
Splendid Summer 4/6: Trove is looking great but I've heard there are others in need of assistance. Go help some Kami in Luminopolis or Geodians on Geode. It's time to celebrate!
Complete Outpost Adventures
Complete Outpost Adventures
Splendid Summer 5/6: It's time to treat yourself to some upgrades and be proud of what you have accomplished. Upgrade your gems and show them off. Any attempts to upgrade your gems will count, even if they do not succeed.
Splendid Summer 5/6: It's time to treat yourself to some upgrades and be proud of what you have accomplished. Upgrade your gems and show them off. Any attempts to upgrade your gems will count, even if they do not succeed.
Improve your Gems
Improve your Gems
Splendid Summer 6/6: I'm proud of how far you've come. Gather some friends and help me back on Geode, Trovian. Take out some 5 star dungeons and help bring back the light. Happy Splendid Summer!
Splendid Summer 6/6: I'm proud of how far you've come. Gather some friends and help me back on Geode, Trovian. Take out some 5 star dungeons and help bring back the light. Happy Splendid Summer!
Complete 5 Star Dungeons
Complete 5 Star Dungeons
Luxion's Spring Cleaning 1/6: TROVIAN! It is I, Luxion. It comes time for me to clear out old items that do not make me happy. Come visit me in the hub to see what I have to offer.
Talk with Luxion in the Hub
Luxion's Spring Cleaning 2/6: It is good to see you little one. Now that you are here I beseech you, please take one of these items off of my claws.
Buy Something
Luxion's Spring Cleaning 3/6: More Dragon Coins. You need more Dragon Coins. Complete all three tiers of an hourly challenge and I will reward you handsomely.
Complete a Challenge
Luxion's Spring Cleaning 4/6: ROAR. My extended presence here is scaring up extra Dragon Fragments. Recover these fragments to prove your worth.
Find Dragon Fragments
Luxion's Spring Cleaning 5/6: I grow hungry Trovian. Hungry for Flux Treasures. Take down dungeons and recover a Flux prize.
Locate Flux Treasures
Luxion's Spring Cleaning 6/6: I need more Dragon Coins too, little one. I've given you a Dragon Coin Boost that will double the next 10 Dragon Coins you find. Make sure you come back to see me each week as I will have new items in store for you.
Gather Dragon Coins
That box was nice and all but let’s get a better gem. In your Claims you will find a Locked Water Gem Box and a Golden Gem Key. Use the Golden Gem Key on the Gem Box to get a guaranteed Stellar Water Gem!\n\nYour Claims can be opened from the Menu [HK:NavigationMenu]. Golden Gem Keys can be used by pressing [HK:UIControllerButtonY] inside the Gem Box window. The Locked Water Gem Box can only be opened with a Golden Gem Key.
Augment your reward crate for better rewards.
Reward Crate Augments
Open up a reward crate to claim rewards.
Open {0} to see the rewards it has to offer.
That is not a valid augment for this reward crate.
Select a reward to claim.
Select {0} rewards to claim.
Builds in {0}
Get double the Bomber Royale coins for your next 100 coins! Affects Bomber Royale coins from any season. Boost is applied automatically on purchase.
100 Bomber Royale Coin Boost
Get double the Bomber Royale coins for your next 250 coins! Affects Bomber Royale coins from any season. Boost is applied automatically on purchase.
250 Bomber Royale Coin Boost
Get double the Bomber Royale coins for your next 50 coins! Affects Bomber Royale coins from any season. Boost is applied automatically on purchase.
50 Bomber Royale Coin Boost
Unable to trash {0};\nitem is being used.
Unable to trash {0};\nthis is an important item.
Unable to trash {0};\nreason unknown...
Luxion of the Golden Hoard is ready to trade goods for Dragon Coins. You’ll find Luxion near the Dragon Crucible until the last Tuesday of the month. Check back with him each week to see his new wares.
Visit him in the hub before he refreshes his stock!
5-Star Dungeon
Play Bomber Royale with a friend! Open your friends list and click on the Bomb to sign up. Make sure you disable DND and Hide.
Play Bomber Royale with a friend! Open your friends list and select 'BR Team' from the dropdown to sign up. Make sure you disable DND and Hide.
Bomber Royale Season 2 is Here!
Bomber Royale now gives Season 2 Coins which can be spent on brand new rewards!
Crustacean Corsair
Ifera, Underlord of the Deep
Timmense, the Powerful Pontoon
Lanky Lurcher
Get double the Dragon Coins for your next 10 coins! This effect lasts 7 days.
Temporary 10 Dragon Coin Boost
Climbing Claw pulls you to the location indicated.
Climbing Claw
This giant Jelotl is proud of you for helping out in the caves of Geode.
Jelotl Matron
This painted piggy is prepped for combat.
Warpainted Javelina
Stella escaped the Daughter of the Moon's clutches and she's ready to be your best friend.
This friendly pup smells like figgy pudding.
Borkshire Pudding
Lil' Stampy has been stomping around through all of history.
Lil' Stampy
Trovians have legends about a secret to solving this puzzle. However, none have been successful to date.
Puzzling Cube
This sentient stack of cookies is here to cheer you up.
Chewy Cookie Clump
Daily Adventure: Complete an Adventure
Daily Adventure: Complete a Challenge
Daily Adventure: Complete a Dungeon
Daily Adventure: Upgrade a Gem
Daily Adventure: Gather a Key Fragment
Daily Adventure: Trigger Magic Find
Daily Adventure: Gather an Ore
Spawns a Bobble Pod when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Maximum: 300
Bobble Pod
Consume multiple Neon Dragon Souls to unlock Neon Dragon mounts! Found rarely in Neon Dragon Caches, which are obtained through Challenges or at the In Game Store.\n\nExtras of this Dragon Soul can be loot collected.
Consume multiple Azulian Dragon Souls to unlock Azulian Dragon mounts! Found rarely in Azulian Dragon Caches, which are obtained through Challenges or at the In Game Store.\n\nExtras of this Dragon Soul can be loot collected.
Unlocks a flask that restores 20 energy to all nearby allies.
Emblem: Energizing Rain Emblem
Unlocks a flask that restores 10% health to all nearby allies.
Emblem: Soothing Rain Emblem
Unlocks a flask that pushes nearby foes away from you.
Emblem: Repulsing Emblem
Unlocks a flask that temporarily boosts your energy regeneration.
Emblem: Energetic Emblem
Unlocks a flask that temporarily boosts your health regeneration.
Emblem: Restorative Emblem
Unlocks a flask that summons a temporary damage dealing ally to fight for you. This ally deals damage based on your physical damage.
Emblem: Shadow Shrike Emblem
Unlocks a flask that summons a temporary damage dealing ally to fight for you. This ally deals damage based on your magic damage.
Emblem: Sorcerous Servant Emblem
Open with a Golden Gem Key for a guaranteed Stellar Water Gem. This box can only be opened with a Golden Gem Key.
Locked Water Gem Box
This crate contains Crystallogy materials normally found in up to Tier 3 of Verdant Veins.
Verdant Veins Crate
This vault contains Crystallogy materials normally found in Tiers 4-5 of Verdant Veins.
Verdant Veins Vault
This vault contains Crystallogy materials normally found in Tiers 4-5 of the Geodian Caves.
Refurbished Crystallogy Vault
This crate contains Crystallogy materials normally found in up to Tier 3 of Sunken Sunvault.
Sunken Sunvault Crate
This vault contains Crystallogy materials normally found in Tiers 4-5 of Sunken Sunvault.
Sunken Sunvault Vault
This crate contains Crystallogy materials normally found in up to Tier 3 of Moonglow Grotto.
Moonglow Grotto Crate
This vault contains Crystallogy materials normally found in Tiers 4-5 of Moonglow Grotto.
Moonglow Grotto Vault
Hatches into Kyrothon, the War Head! Having this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +1000 Max Health, +7% Max Health, +5% Attack Speed, and +50 Magic Find.
Golden War Head Dragon Egg
Kyrothon, the War Head Dragon Egg
Mount: Jelotl Matron
Mount: Roller Caterpoler
Mount: Elysian Cistern
This painted piggy is prepped for combat.
Mount: Warpainted Javelina
An excitable but loyal companion of avid gardeners everywhere.\n\nThis is a tradable mount.
Mount: Squeakster
Ally: Stella
Ally: Borkshire Pudding
Ally: Lil' Stampy
Ally: Puzzling Cube
Ally: Chewy Cookie Clump
Bobble Pod Plants can be harvested once for a Bobble Pod.\n\nBobble Pod Plants wither after 3 hours if they are not harvested first.
Bobble Pod Plant Seed
Unlock a random Seasonal, Event, Pinata, or Luxion equipment style you don't already have unlocked. Extras of this Style Stash can be loot collected.
Luxion's Style Stash
Sand Skitterer
Umbral Shadefin
Crustacean Corsair Trophy
Sand Skitterer Trophy
Umbral Shadefin Trophy
Ifera Trophy
Lobstroso Trophy
Timmense Trophy
Moray Magician Trophy
Pentapod Shadowcaster Trophy
Lanky Lurcher Trophy
Bobble Pod Plant
Luck level: {0}/{1}
Ready to be imbued with luck.
Ready to be imbued in {0}.
Bomb Jump launches you into the air and damages to nearby foes.
Bomb Jump
Heals over time and a slows on use.
Lava Bombs explode on contact leaving lava in the explosion radius.
Lava Bomb
Rubber Bombs bounce once and then explode.
Rubber Bomb
Sticky Bombs explode after a few seconds for massive damage.
Sticky Bomb
Changed Strings
Changed Strings detected in Bomber Royale - Season 2.
1x Locked Water Gem Box 1x Golden Gem Key
Ready to be watered in {0}.
Water level: {0}/{1}
Ready to be watered.
St. Qubeslick 2019 5/8: St. Qubeslick Clovers take time to fully mature. Check back at the top of each hour and give your Clover a little boost of luck with your Lucky Stars. Remember, you can always craft more Lucky Stars at the Wheel of Seasons.
St. Qubeslick 2019 6/8: Once your St. Qubeslick Clover is fully grown you can harvest it to gain a Lucky Clover. I've heard St. Qubeslick Clovers can be harvested more than once if properly cared for, give that a try.
That box was nice and all but let’s get a better gem. In your Claims [HK:Claims] you will find a Locked Water Gem Box and a Golden Gem Key. Use the Golden Gem Key on the Gem Box to get a guaranteed Stellar Water Gem!\n\nGolden Gem Keys can be used by clicking on the key icon inside the Gem Box window. The Locked Water Gem Box can only be opened with a Golden Gem Key.
Upgrading Gems is great and all, but Gem Forges are where you can really control your Gems. You can craft a Gem Forge at the Builder's Crafting Bench.
Get double the dragon coins for your next 100 coins! Boost is applied automatically on purchase.
Get double the dragon coins for your next 250 coins! Boost is applied automatically on purchase.
Get double the dragon coins for your next 50 coins! Boost is applied automatically on purchase.
Contains 2 dormant dragon eggs: Yorinn, the Dusk Shadow, and Erel, the Ironbolt!\n\nAlso contains the Duskrider Dragoon Costume (Lunar Lancer), 4 great mounts, 8 fantastic allies, and 12 Equipment styles!
XP Day and Gathering Day are the only weekly bonuses recognized in the Geode Caves. The Geodian Council of Friends invites anyone in need of XP to visit!
Radiant Aura: Stroke of Starlight
Radiant Aura: Winter Aura
Before you can fight the Shadows here on the Topside, you're going to need upgrades. That means you'll need some Veridium and Nitro-Glitterine. You mine the Veridium and I'll provide the Nitro-Glitterine!\n\nVeridium can be found all over the Geode Topside. Mine Veridium for fun and profit!
Be the light! I apologize for my rudeness the last time we spoke. Shadows have hurt quite a lot of Geodian creatures... and it, well, it's been difficult.\n\nI am Sunseeker Gabbro. I wrote the book on Geodian creatures - several books, in fact! They're such fascinating creatures.\n\nCould you go and soothe 25 creatures in the caves with Critter Treats, Comfort Blankets, and Curing Kits? I, and they, would be grateful.
Can be purchased on occasion from Luxion's Store when he appears in the Trove Hub.
Can be purchased on occasion from Luxion's Store when he appears in the Trove Hub.
Can be purchased on occasion from Luxion's Store when he appears in the Trove Hub.
Can be purchased on occasion from Luxion's Store when he appears in the Trove Hub.
Can be purchased on occasion from Luxion's Store when he appears in the Trove Hub.
Can be purchased on occasion from Luxion's Store when he appears in the Trove Hub.
Can be purchased on occasion from Luxion's Store when he appears in the Trove Hub.
Can be purchased on occasion from Luxion's Store when he appears in the Trove Hub.
Can be purchased on occasion from Luxion's Store when he appears in the Trove Hub.
This mean green machine is a must for those gardeners seeking ultimate efficiency.\n\nPlants whichever seeds are selected in the Build inventory hotbar within a small radius.
Grim seeks revenge and hungers for bones.
Originally obtained by successfully ranking in games of Bomber Royale Season One.\n\nCan also be purchased using Bomber Royale Coin: Season Two coins.
Consume multiple Ancient Dragon Souls to unlock Ancient Dragon mounts! Found rarely in Ancient Dragon Caches, which are obtained through Challenges or at the In Game Store.\n\nExtras of this Dragon Soul can be loot collected.
Consume multiple Bone Dragon Souls to unlock Bone Dragon mounts! Found rarely in Bone Dragon Caches, which are obtained through Challenges or at the In Game Store.\n\nExtras of this Dragon Soul can be loot collected.
Consume multiple Golden Hoard Dragon Souls to unlock Golden Hoard Dragon mounts! Available from Luxion when he appears in the Trove Hub.\n\nExtras of this Dragon Soul can be loot collected.
Consume multiple Moonwing Dragon Souls to unlock Moonwing Dragon mounts! Found rarely in Moonwing Dragon Caches, which are obtained through Challenges or at the In Game Store.\n\nExtras of this Dragon Soul can be loot collected.
Consume multiple Starlight Dragon Souls to unlock Starlight Dragon mounts! Found rarely in Starlight Dragon Caches, which are obtained through Challenges or at the In Game Store.\n\nExtras of this Dragon Soul can be loot collected.
Consume multiple Winter Dragon Souls to unlock Winter Dragon mounts! Found rarely in Winter Dragon Caches, which are obtained through Challenges or at the In Game Store.\n\nExtras of this Dragon Soul can be loot collected.
The fun part of 'fungus'.\n\nThis is a tradable mount.