Edge of Infinity

[Melee] [Sky Realm]

5 years ago

by ncati Home Files Download ZIP

Model Viewer: Open in Troxel

I can't map anything the way they should unfortunately.. So.. Here goes nothing? :(




Created 5 years ago

Updated 5 years ago

Active 5 years ago
This Creation is Active and is being worked on.

Edge of Infinity status has been set to Active

Ylva 5 years ago

Edge of Infinity status has been set to Needs Review

ncati 5 years ago

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As for material maps, a previous Creations Moderator from reddit MrsMeowsifer made a very good video on Zoxel > https://youtu.be/gAj-Iw-_S5I?t=396 , material maps from 6:36


Yeah, unfortunately that is the rule. In the past it was allowed to create models with corner connected and floating voxels, hence we have models with those in game, but it became forbidden afterwards.


It's zoxel. Thanks, about the sideblades the actual idea was for those parts to actually float, but apparently I can't go with that idea.. That's quite sad... :(

Edge of Infinity status has been set to Active


Sword has a very interesting shape, i like the additional crystal (?) side blades!

What voxel editor are you using? May be i could find some easy to understand tutorial for Material maps especially for it.

Material maps are welcomed but not required. However at the moment your design has a whole lot of floating voxels, those are not allowed on models and would need to be connected. You can click Lint and Export button in Troxel for it to highlight all corner-connected and floating bits. You model with those fixed would look somewhat like this.

Going to set this one back to Active for now.

Edge of Infinity status has been set to Needs Review