Spider Bow
[Bow] [Cursed Vale]

Spider Bow status has been set to Active
Ylva 5 months ago
Spider Bow status has been set to Needs Review
SirBobertson3 5 months ago

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While i understand the idea behind the design, the required dimensions and other restrictions exist to ensure that the new creations work well with existing costumes and classes. I am simply not allowed to approve something that intentionally breaks the rules.
If you want to keep the design as is - you could try making a full costume mod to go with it. This way the bow would only need to work with the costume that it comes with. https://trovesaurus.com/mods/add
But as Creation - it really needs to fulfill on the requirements - https://trovesaurus.com/page=5629
In Troxel you can use a Lint and Export button to check for any technical issues - chose the type of an opened creation, click the button and it will highlight all errors, if there are any.
Aside from the 5-voxel width, there shouldnt be any voxels straight above and straight below the attachment point (approximately area of the bigger rectangle) - the place where hand holds the bow (smaller rectangle) is where the bow model gets split in half for animations, so if anything is below it, it will look broken.
Also, weaponpreview command places weapon in the both existing weapon slots for Boomeranger (sword and bow), it would work better on Shadow Hunter.
You could also use an override method: put your bow blueprint in the Trove/Live/blueprints/override folder and rename it to match a file name of a bow that exists in game. For example, naming it equipment_weapon_bow_startswap.blueprint
would make it so next time you log in game you will see your design replacing the default [Wormwood Bow].
Im going to change the status of this creation to Active for now. Please remember to set it back to Needs Review if you upload any changes!