Indecisive Indicators
[Spear] [Sundered Uplands]

Your enemies will feel your wrath, one way or the other.
Indecisive Indicators status has been set to Added
Ylva 5 months ago
Indecisive Indicators status has been set to Accepted
GMGNotYet 6 months ago
Indecisive Indicators status has been set to Approved
Ylva 6 months ago
Indecisive Indicators status has been set to Needs Review
DeSpare 6 months ago
Indecisive Indicators status has been set to Active
DeSpare 6 months ago
Indecisive Indicators status has been set to Needs Review
DeSpare 6 months ago
Indecisive Indicators status has been set to Active
DeSpare 6 months ago
Indecisive Indicators status has been set to Draft
DeSpare 6 months ago

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Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove - Indecisive Indicators !
It can be found in collections under Styles > Spears > Sundered Uplands.
Im so sorry, i only now saw the comment :( If it takes too long for me to respond - please consider sending a mail through Trovesaurus mailing system, notifications from those are impossible to miss. Even if its just a 'hey have you seen the comment in the <link> ?' .
Are you using /weaponpreview to check the fists? It will not properly mirror them. You can try the override method instead - in your Trove/Live/blueprint make an override folder, put your fist blueprint in there and give it a name of some existing fist style - equipment_weapon_fist_000.blueprint for example will replace the Piranha Faceplanter. Once the blueprint is in the override and named, log in game and equip Piranha fist - you will see your design instead.
It also matters which way the model is pointing in the editor, so make sure that your model is positioned the same way as in-game fists are. I like using the Claws of Clarity as an example, because this style uses maximum possible dimensions and its clear where is the front, sides and back on it - looking at the Bard, your design probably needs to rotate by vertical axis 2 times.
This design seems to have its ups and downs :D Looking good!
Creations of any theme are always welcome, but just in case - if you are aiming to participate in the contest ( ) you need to upload an Ally or a Mount as Mods over here > .
Other types of creations or mods do not count for the current contest.
If you need any help with modding, please feel free to reach out!