Clever Girl


1 year ago

by GooberBalls Home Files Download ZIP

Watch your sides!




Created 2 years ago

Updated 1 year ago

Rewarded 2 years ago
This creation has been Accepted by the Trove Developers, it will be added to the game.

The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Added 1 year ago
This Creation has been added to the game!

Clever Girl status has been set to Added

Ylva 1 year ago

Clever Girl status has been set to Rewarded

ActualPostCard 2 years ago

Clever Girl status has been set to Accepted

ActualPostCard 2 years ago

Clever Girl status has been set to Approved

Ylva 2 years ago

Clever Girl status has been set to Needs Review

GooberBalls 2 years ago

Clever Girl status has been set to Active

Ylva 2 years ago


Clever Girl status has been set to Needs Review

GooberBalls 2 years ago

Clever Girl status has been set to Active

Ylva 2 years ago

Clever Girl status has been set to Approved

Ylva 2 years ago

Clever Girl status has been set to Needs Review

GooberBalls 2 years ago

Clever Girl status has been set to Active

GooberBalls 2 years ago

Clever Girl status has been set to Draft

GooberBalls 2 years ago

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Clever Girl status has been set to Added

Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove - Clever Clawdia!

It can be found in collections under Styles > Hats > Stash Exclusive.

Clever Girl status has been set to Rewarded

Clever Girl status has been set to Accepted

liked this!


Clever Girl status has been set to Approved

:) The helmet is looking glorious, good job!

The improvement from v1 to v8 is absolutely striking, i honestly was not expecting that the original design can possibly get so much more attractive.



Clever Girl status has been set to Needs Review


made several pallet simplifications and edited the overall patterns to be more like the film, I also made the teeth more uniform, added more definition to the brow ridge inwards, and extended the bottom lip so one of the teeth doesn't appear to jut out. I fixed the material map as well. I appreciate the feedback greatly and I am going to submit this as my final version if there is no other comment from you, but don't hold back any criticisms if there are any and I am still open to change if need be.

Clever Girl status has been set to Active

Hey, i really dont think i have any specific advice on exact details of dinosaurs >_< Your goal there seems to be make them as accurate to the source as possible, while  developer-made Trove graphics tend to be more simplistic and colorful rather than trying to be an exact representation of something.

I believe the design would be more 'trove style' if the shading and coloring were more simple. Like, the Racing Raptor is also a very clever girl, but the difference between it and your model is enormous. The Spinosaurus that got in game is also on simpler side, compared to this design. Sometimes less is more.

Please forgive this edit, i fully understand that every colored voxel has a meaning. I just mean it as something that is simple but hopefully carries over the same general idea.

That said, i dont think its a bad thing to keep textures on this helmet as is, we have had the player-made creations pushing the in-game graphics towards the "more detailed" direction for years now. 

As for the shape, the new skull definitely makes it look more "raptor" and i love the new eyes and the jaw!

A super minor note: the upper part of some teeth on both sides of the upper jaw are missing metallic map. It is not that noticeable in game though.

Your works are visually appealing as is! You dont have to make any changes to the helmet unless you want to.

I can try to help you make things more in line with dev-made graphics, but only you can help you make it the best possible version of itself :) From where i stand the helmet was good to be approved on version 1 and is still good to be approved on version 6.

I cleaning and slimmed down the face and made the lower jaw shape more natural and way less janky. I bulked up the neck and reshaped the eyes as well as leveling the top of the head to make the head more bulky like the one seen in the first film. I enlarged the rictus so the jaw looks more open and less weirdly angled. I desaturated the lighter tones and saturated the grays to make the head to make the coloration more uniform and less jarring. I also recolored the inside of the mouth to be more orangish red rather than purplish. Overall I am very satisfied with this new model and I think my skills in creating these voxel models are slowly improving, so hopefully there will be way less indecisions and sudden request for changes, I'm very sorry for these constant request but as I have been slowly gaining experience my old works seem very disappointing to me and I want to improve them to make them the best versions they could be, only possible through reflection and review. I would definitely appreciate more criticism so I could implement better changes that make my works more visually appealing, so if there is anything off or wrong with them I would accept any feedback harsh or minor.

Clever Girl status has been set to Needs Review

Clever Girl status has been set to Active


I've requested to change an approved model before, and I apologize fully for my indecision but something about this current version just feels wrong to me, and I would like to fix it. If it is possible to set the model to active again so i could work on another version it would be greatly appreciated.

Clever Girl status has been set to Approved

Everything seems to be in order on this one. Seriously, well done!


Clever Girl status has been set to Needs Review

Clever Girl status has been set to Active

Clever Girl status has been set to Draft