Whimsical Warrior's Warstaff
[Staff] [Fae Forest]

This staff uses the same color scheme as the Level 30 Fae Trickster costume with the purpose of providing another weapon skin to pair with it and other costumes. New Change: Added glowing glass on the inside of the two loops.
Whimsical Warrior's Warstaff status has been set to Added
Ylva 5 months ago
Whimsical Warrior's Warstaff status has been set to Accepted
GMGNotYet 6 months ago
Whimsical Warrior's Warstaff status has been set to Approved
Ylva 2 years ago
Whimsical Warrior's Warstaff status has been set to Needs Review
Arasolian 2 years ago
Whimsical Warrior's Warstaff status has been set to Active
Ylva 2 years ago
Whimsical Warrior's Warstaff status has been set to Needs Review
Arasolian 2 years ago
Whimsical Warrior's Warstaff status has been set to Active
_FutureHero_ 2 years ago
Whimsical Warrior's Warstaff status has been set to Needs Review
Arasolian 2 years ago
Whimsical Warrior's Warstaff status has been set to Active
Ylva 2 years ago
Whimsical Warrior's Warstaff status has been set to Needs Review
Arasolian 2 years ago
Whimsical Warrior's Warstaff status has been set to Active
Arasolian 2 years ago
Whimsical Warrior's Warstaff status has been set to Needs Review
Arasolian 2 years ago

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Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove - Whimsical Warstaff !
It can be found in collections under Styles > Staves > Fae.
Everything seems to be in order, good job :)
For possible future occasions, please keep in mind that you only need to upload ONE blueprint. In the in-game files there is only ONE file per weapon/any other style. You only need to drag one main color qb file onto the devtool bat, and it will create ONE blueprint. If the rest of the Material Maps are in the same folder and are named properly - that ONE blueprint will contain the qb file and all the maps.
Also, for the uploads here, the bleuprint should be named according to a pattern of: styletype_stylename[CreatorsName].blueprint
- to match the naming of the in-game files. Capital Letters are only allowed within square brackets on the Creators Name, so in your case it would be the staff_whimsical_warrirors_warstaff[Arasolian].blueprint
Dont worry, i renamed it for you this time :)
The staff is looking much better, thank you for connecting all the parts together. The new glass definitely add more volume to the design.
It seems like the model and Troxel and the QB files uploaded to the Files tab have different models and maps? Uploaded QBs have regular glass inside the loops and its color is grey on the Main model of Color. I really need to know which version is final to be able to Approve it.
Also, to use a model in game you convert all 4 qb files to ONE blueprint - just drag your MAIN color QB onto the usual blueprint_to_qb devtool bat file. You dont need to upload the separate QB files, only that one blueprint that gets made from them.
Hoping to see it on Review again soon!
Hi there! I'm going to be taking over this review for now ^^
Like Ylva said this is a lovely model and matches the costume perfectly.
I saw your revised version and would like to make a suggestion,
While the blocks in between the rings do connect the weapon together they give it a more frontier gear feeling, I think it may be better to back track a little and add a glowing glass in between the rings to keep it more floaty yet strongly connected, maybe the pink your using for the crystal or a fae blue color, also Ylva mentioned it but we shouldn't be using very transparent glass, so try to keep it in the visible range ^^
Here's a concept of how it could look on the middle ring
Also to make sure to update the links on the Trovesaurus page once you revise or edit your model.
Sending this back to active hope to see it again soon ^^
I am writing this comment to add a link to an "updated" model. This one simply adds some blocks in case the clear blocks I used pose problems. If necessary, please let me know if this updated model fits the art style of the game better.
Whoa, the staff is looking really good! It fits perfectly with the target costume and your material maps are right on point :)
The only issue why i cant approve it right away - there seem to be some floating voxels present on the model. We call blocks 'floating' or 'corner connected' if they are not physically connected to the rest of the model. Please ensure that every voxel is attached to the main body. You can use Troxel to check your model - find the TroveCreations section on the right sidebar, chose the type of your creation and click on Lint and Export button - it will highlight all the technical issues if there are any.
There are quite a lot of existing styles that use floating and corner connected voxels, but they were made before this rule was introduced. Models with floating parts take more processing power to be displayed, so now we need to do our best to avoid that.
It is also good to keep all the voxels connected not just because of the technical side, but also because the designs look closer to a current visual style of Trove if they are more solid and sturdy. So please do not use fully transparent glass blocks to connect those floating parts.
Hoping to see this style on Review again!