Slain Eldritch Drake


1 year ago

by GooberBalls Home Files Download ZIP

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#2495 helmet_slain_eldritch_drake[Gooberballs].blueprint May 3, 2023 Download




Created 2 years ago

Updated 1 year ago

Rewarded 2 years ago
This creation has been Accepted by the Trove Developers, it will be added to the game.

The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Added 1 year ago
This Creation has been added to the game!

Slain Eldritch Drake status has been set to Added

Ylva 1 year ago

Slain Eldritch Drake status has been set to Rewarded

ActualPostCard 2 years ago

Slain Eldritch Drake status has been set to Accepted

ActualPostCard 2 years ago

Slain Eldritch Drake status has been set to Approved

Ylva 2 years ago

Slain Eldritch Drake status has been set to Needs Review

GooberBalls 2 years ago

Slain Eldritch Drake status has been set to Active

Ylva 2 years ago


Slain Eldritch Drake status has been set to Needs Review

GooberBalls 2 years ago

Slain Eldritch Drake status has been set to Active

Ylva 2 years ago

Slain Eldritch Drake status has been set to Needs Review

GooberBalls 2 years ago

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Slain Eldritch Drake status has been set to Added

Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove - Eldritch Drake!

It can be found in collections under Styles > Hats > Stash Exclusive.

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Slain Eldritch Drake status has been set to Rewarded

Slain Eldritch Drake status has been set to Accepted

Slain Eldritch Drake status has been set to Approved

Everything is looking just right! Glad you got all them material maps figured out :)


Slain Eldritch Drake status has been set to Needs Review

I went ahead and downloaded some references and now the glow is working. Turns out I had to set transparency for glowing glass as well which I didn't because the wiki guide stated glass blocks only and I was an idiot who interpreted that as non-glowing glass only. I also set some parts as iridescent to keep some consistency with other chaos styles. I think I understand material maps a lot better with your guidance and wish I had done some on my other models previously.


Previous helmets also had floating Attachment Points :) On hats, hairs and helmets its expected as the AP on them matches the AP in the middle of a players' head model.

I do think the innards of the creature is a pretty cool concept, and it would be visible in a few cases such as Tombraiser /pose, or /sleep on most classes etc. You dont need to have AP connected to it though.

You materials should be lining up just fine if your AP stays in the exact same spot on all the material maps. I believe it was already working on a version 2.

And im sure the model is good as is, so i dont think it needs more simplifying, unless you want to go that direction yourself.


I just assumed that the attachment point would affect the floating voxel rule. The inside isn't really visible or significant, but I just don't like looking at the unfinished look, so I decided to make it look like the innards of the creature. Thank you for clearing up the multiple file issue, there was also another problem with the materials not lining up or something but since it isn't mentioned I'll assume it was fixed. I'll work on the materials as well as probably simplifying the model a bit more. I would appreciate any feedback or suggestion on my(preferably) final version before I begin working on it.

Slain Eldritch Drake status has been set to Active


The model is definitely looking cleaner, good job!

I dont see any material map related warnings from Troxel, and the ones on the blueprint seem to be in order too. So you only need to figure out which exact material mapping you want to see on your design (i left another comment that should help - if it does not, reply to that one)

Please only upload the Main blueprint, all the Map qb files (_a, _t, _s)  get baked into the Main blueprint when you convert them into blueprint. In other words, only ONE blueprint is used in game per helmet, not 4, so that Main blueprint needs to contain all of your maps. You only need to select ONE main qb file (not the maps!) and convert that to a blueprint.

The gif below shows a converting of a QB + _s map into a bleuprint on an example of a Dungeon room, but it works exactly same way for styles and any other blueprints and their maps. That one blueprint that got generated contains both color (.qb) and specular (_s.qb) in it. I hope this work better than previous links >.>

Also, i think it might be better to clean up the helmet on the inside. I mean that line that connects through the attachment point unless it holds some significance? If it does i think its ok to keep that, thought id mention it just in case.


Do you have a costume example for what you are trying to achieve? I think there is usually a layer of glowing blocks and then glass/glowing glass on top of that.

But there is a very reliable way to find out how something is made:
If you know the exact model that uses desired effect you can convert the Blueprint of it to the QB files using the devtool .bat (devtool_dungeon_blueprint_to_QB.bat) in the same folder as the usual Qb to Blueprint one.
Make a folder named 'qbexport' in your Trove\Live and use the bat, in your new folder there should appear 4 qb files (main mode, _a map, _t map and _s map) and 1 extra blueprint file ending in _entities - this one is only used for Dungeon rooms - blueprints that contain extra data like placeable decorations or liquids.
Open those QB files in your voxel editor and check their model+maps.

Please note that some old models might have the overlapping of material maps (like, same blocks marked as Glass and Metal and so on) - do not rely on that, in game it only uses one of the maps.

Also, viewing a model in Metaforge allows you to see it better than you would on a character since it will not go invisible if you zoom in too close. In game, use /mf chat command, click Yes and your character will be moved to Metaforge. Drag the main Blueprint with all the material maps baked in from your explorer to load it in.
Restart your game to return back to normal Trove, your character will be where you left them before using /mf.

Slain Eldritch Drake status has been set to Needs Review

I've simplified the model a little bit by rounding out some corners and coloring some of the stray pixels as well as removing unnecessary shades. But I am still struggling with the material maps. I for some reason am unable to pull up your links. I redid all the maps. When my latest versions are loaded into the game, I'm pretty sure the transparency does work to some degree, but not the glowing glass effect appears not to be working, but I can't be sure as when loaded in game the glowing glass parts do seem to at least be more apparent than their surrounding voxels. I'm attempting to achieve a same level of glow as on the costumes, maybe they did some kind of trick such as placing glowing solids beneath the glass parts but I'm not sure. When checking troxel it tells me of its need to correct my incorrect maps, but when I download the files from troxel and run them back through the program the same error occurs. I will be setting the item to review in hopes of some feedback on the model itself as well as the material maps. Hopefully after then will be my final version of the model.

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Slain Eldritch Drake status has been set to Active


The helmet is looking gorgeous, all the tentacles and details are super awesome :) That said, i think it might be worth it to simplify it just a little bit. Helmets are twice  the size (and available level of detail) compared to costumes, so they tend to look rather busy. You did great job with dinosaur themed helmets, so im sure you can make this feel more smooth too.

As for material maps, im going to try and explain what (might have) went wrong, but if that sounds confusing just skip to the bottom of the comment :)

It seems like your main blueprint does not contain the same alpha map as your Troxel upload and as that separate _a blueprint in Files. May be it was named differently when you were converting your qb files to a blueprint.

Another thing, your alpha map (in Troxel and on a separate blueprint) the blocks mapped with transparency overlap blocks that are mapped as Glowing on Type map. You only need to set transparency for blocks that are mapped as Glass on type map - so for Yellow and Grey blocks, not Red.

And you seem to have a Transparency applied to most of the model as 240.240.240 RGB color, make sure to mark blocks that are not Glass with 255.255.255 White on Alpha.

To fix all that id suggest to do the mapping completely anew.
1) Take your color model, make sure it has an Attachment Point in proper position - this is you  helmet.qb - Main Model
2) Make a copy of it, color parts you want to Glow (red) and be Glass/Glowingglass( grey and yellow), color everything else as pure white color - this is your helemt_t.qb - Type Map
3) Make a copy of your Type map, fill the Glowing blocks (red) with the same pure white color. Color remaining glass blocks with a desired shade of transparency - this is your helmet_a.qb - Alpha Map
If you are not using any blocks from Specular map - you do not need to create a file for it.

short video of steps above > 

4) export all your parts as SEPARATE qb files, make sure they all still have an Attachment Point in a correct spot.
5) drag you MAIN model qb onto the .bat file to create a blueprint - a blueprint will contain all the Maps, if they were in the same folder and if they were named properly.

short video of converting qb + maps to a blueprint > 

With that, you should have ONE blueprint that properly shows all the Material Maps in game. That is also the only blueprint that you need to upload to the Files :)

I hope this helps! 

Slain Eldritch Drake status has been set to Needs Review

This is my first-time using material maps, and when the model is loaded in game the glass effect appears kind of weird. I would appreciate some guidance and/or explanation to how I should do material maps.