Cake Contest - The Brick Monster Cake - 1/5
[Dungeon (1 Star)] [Desert Frontier]

The Tentacle Monster is hiding inside the Brick Cake ... ( he is not dangerous but he likes mint a lot !!!)
Created 2 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Cake Contest - The Brick Monster Cake - 1/5 status has been set to Added
Ylva 2 years ago
Cake Contest - The Brick Monster Cake - 1/5 status has been set to Rewarded
ActualPostCard 2 years ago
Cake Contest - The Brick Monster Cake - 1/5 status has been set to Accepted
ActualPostCard 2 years ago
Cake Contest - The Brick Monster Cake - 1/5 status has been set to Approved
Ylva 2 years ago
Cake Contest - The Brick Monster Cake - 1/5 status has been set to Needs Review
EZz_Luigi 2 years ago
Cake Contest - The Brick Monster Cake - 1/5 status has been set to Active
EZz_Luigi 2 years ago
Cake Contest - The Brick Monster Cake - 1/5 status has been set to Draft
EZz_Luigi 2 years ago
Cake Contest - The Brick Monster Cake - 1/5 status has been set to Active
Ylva 2 years ago
Cake Contest - The Brick Monster Cake - 1/5 status has been set to Needs Review
EZz_Luigi 2 years ago

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Hello there!
Whoa, what a unique idea for a cake :D Looking very interesting too!
Brick cakes most definitely exist, but with Trove graphics i would worry that current design reads more like a very convincing brick wall, rather than a brick cake. From a sliced side there is no doubt - and oh my that mint biscuit is looking delicious, but the back with an eye could use a bit more cake-ness.
I would suggest to draw a bit more inspiration from the mint and chocolate side things, just to be sure that the design reads better as an edible cake from all sides.
I looked up some mint cakes and i think some dripping chocolate frosting and fresh mint could be a really nice addition.
Quick mockup of what i think might work: i added frosting and a some (terribly looking) fresh peppermint, i recolored tentacle to match mint color better and added two more to keep it company, and i added a tiny bit of shading on the bricks and back.
From that assortment or random thoughts i believe the chocolate frosting works best, so i would strongly suggest you try that on your cake. There is absolutely no need to copy my take on your design, i just hope that it would inspire you to pick your own way.
Im going to change the status of this creation to Active, but please set it back to Review once the model is updated. Im hoping to see it again soon!