Contemporaneous Carcharodontosaurus
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#2409 helmet_contemporaneous_carcharodontosaurus[GooberBalls].blueprint March 27, 2023 Download
Created 2 years ago
Updated 1 year ago
The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Contemporaneous Carcharodontosaurus status has been set to Added
Ylva 1 year ago
Contemporaneous Carcharodontosaurus status has been set to Rewarded
ActualPostCard 2 years ago
Contemporaneous Carcharodontosaurus status has been set to Accepted
ActualPostCard 2 years ago
Contemporaneous Carcharodontosaurus status has been set to Approved
Ylva 2 years ago
Contemporaneous Carcharodontosaurus status has been set to Needs Review
GooberBalls 2 years ago
Contemporaneous Carcharodontosaurus status has been set to Active
Ylva 2 years ago
Contemporaneous Carcharodontosaurus status has been set to Approved
Ylva 2 years ago
Contemporaneous Carcharodontosaurus status has been set to Needs Review
GooberBalls 2 years ago

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Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove - Spotted Shark-tooth!
It can be found in collections under Styles > Hats > Stash Exclusive.
Hello again!
New version is definitely an improvement. The Carcharodontosaurus is looking unique and glorious!
Thank you for uploading the blueprint :)
As for Troxel shortener, yeah, liked Etaew said, it seems that if you are using Firefox and can set your browser to HTTPS-Only mode - the shortener will work, what an interesting workaround! That does not seem to be an option in Chrome or Edge though, and im not sure how much of an impact that would have on your usual internet browsing experience.
Link shortener continues to work e.g.
Looks like this may be only working on Firefox as it allows an insecure request to be upgraded to a secure one http -> https
Oh i think the changes are quite awesome, especially the spots, they definitely make this one stand out.
Please feel free to update the model and set the creation back to Review.
Link shortener has been broken for a few years, it used to output something like
, but the github Troxel doesnt work anymore, only does (you can still replace the
in old links to
to view their contents).
Usually an approved creation stays approved because both the creator and moderators have spent time on getting it to an Approved stage, and most importantly the Developers might have already been evaluating the Approved creation to add it, so i would rather not interrupt the process.
However, it was my fault that i approved it right away without giving you a chance to process feedback, so i think it could be reasonable to allow edits. That would mean that the creation goes back to Active and would need to go through Review again before it could reach Approved. Would you prefer this option? If the changes you want to make are very drastic, it might be better to upload a new helmet creation instead.
Also, there is a Creation Contest running during the whole March - create a Cake dungeon room for the upcoming Sunfest event - check it out, may be you would like to participate :)
Hello o/
Everything seems to be in order, wow, well done :)
Approving this one!
PS. Im not a paleontologist, so im rather afraid to give 'these dinosaurs are not unique enough' kind of feedback, but i would suggest to pick something more noticeably different (in terms of head shape/pattern on the back) for a next helmet, if you were to make another one. Things dont need to be historically accurate for Trove, recognizable and colorful should be sufficient :)