Neon Gem
[Dungeon (1 Star)] [Neon City]
Creation Files
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Uploaded Files
#1977 neon_gem.dungeon January 13, 2023 Download
#1976 neon_gem_bottom1.blueprint January 13, 2023 Download
#1974 neon_gem_bottom2.blueprint January 13, 2023 Download
#1978 neon_gem_top_1.blueprint January 13, 2023 Download
#1975 neon_gem_top_2.blueprint January 13, 2023 Download
Created 2 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Neon Gem status has been set to Added
Ylva 2 years ago
Neon Gem status has been set to Rewarded
ActualPostCard 2 years ago
Neon Gem status has been set to Accepted
ActualPostCard 2 years ago
Neon Gem status has been set to Approved
Ylva 2 years ago
Neon Gem status has been set to Needs Review
SpookiPants 2 years ago
Neon Gem status has been set to Active
Ylva 2 years ago
Neon Gem status has been set to Needs Review
SpookiPants 2 years ago

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Ah it makes me so happy to see new dungeons being made :D
Overall - really good job, the dungeon is in a pretty solid condition already and i can see the amount of effort that went into this design already!
However, there are a few things that would need to be taken care of before i could approve this one. Please do not let the long text scare you away, everything is much easier than it might seem, it just needs a little bit more love :)
- Variations - It is important to have some variety in the dungeon so it would take longer time for each individual player to get used to the it. Offering a slightly different challenge every time keeps away the unpleasant feeling of doing the same thing over and over again.
- Functionality - Portals and traps - The Minigame Teleported (red portal) is the one that is always present in a dungeon and can connect rooms together. It should be used to connect bottom and top (boss) rooms, not the purple one. GM Quest Teleporter (purple) and GM Quest Teleporter Outiside (blue) portals only spawn after the quest objective has been completed. Purple should be placed next to he boss and blue on the outside - to help players exit the dungeon.
Left is current placement (+ purple in the bottom), right is a placement that would work properly in game (+ red in the bottom)
As for traps, it is usually best to keep them to unpleasant but not lethal kind of amount. 8 traps in a small space on top or another 8 on a very small platform in the bottom is a bit too much. Removing half of them and/or spacing them a bit further from each other would make the dungeon more friendly for newer players, and being honest, the experienced players are likely to skip the bottom rooms and jump up straight to the boss anyway.
- Mob Spawns - It is true that only 5 NPCs will spawn in a 1* dungeon, but there should be many more possible spawn points for them throughout the dungeon. About 10-15 possible locations would be a good amount. It is good to have some near the entrance, seeded through gameplay rooms and near the boss. Mobs can spawn with modifiers that make them bigger in size so its generally better to avoid placing their spawn points in small enclosed spaces.
Some more feedback specific design per room:
neon_gem_top - this room feels very fragile. Glass can be easily mined and destroyed by many character abilities, so there is a good chance that players will end up breaking the room before completing their dungeon objective. Meaning the NPCs can likely drop down to the ground level and make it hard for players to find them, which is rather frustrating. I would strongly suggest to add at least another layer of glass or some other blocks that would protect the shell.
It might also be good to make the fighting area a bit larger, so a cursed skull objectives could manage to place all the enemies within the room.
As for variations on this one, it might just be sufficient to have a boss room of different shape. That would significantly change the fighting area and provide varying combat experience.
From the visual side, the boss room feels a little plain. It is not required to have decorations placed but it could be good to have some different levels of transparency on the blocks, or colors, or any other elements that would break up the plain red color. For example, lowering transparency closer to the edges would result in something like this:
neon_gem_bottom1 and neon_gem_bottom2 - while these two room have different blueprints, they are pretty similar in design. The difference between variations can not be just the decorations and traps placement. Luckily, this room allows for a quick and easy update that would be sufficient to call it a variation.
For example, removing the vanishing blocks and changing exit of the pipe to go to the sides instead of being a straight drop would already give some variety.
The mimic blocks can be really helpful, if you have not tried them in metaforge yet - use the:
/wadd prefabs/placeable/block/transmute/mimic < for solid blocks and glass blocks
/wadd prefabs/placeable/block/transmute/mimic_extra < for glowing blocks, glowing glass blocks and textured blocks.
As mentioned before, please keep an eye on the amount of traps. Roughly the limit is 10 active traps per room, but they should not be all cluttered in one small space.
Another thing, as good as they look, the decorations can drastically increase the Elements count (use /debugtext to see it) - this indicates the amount of faces that have to be generated for a dungeon to show up. The higher it gets - the longer could it take for a dungeon to be generated. You seem to be well within the limits but i figured it might be worth mentioning for the future occasions :)
To sum that all up, you did a really good job already and i believe this dungeon can really shine with some minor tweaks :)
Im going to change the status of this creation to Active for now, set it back to Needs Review once you upload any changes. Hoping to see it on review again!