Charged Tower

[Dungeon (1 Star)] [Neon City]

1 year ago

by Cyekie Home Files Download ZIP

Creation Files

The individual files uploaded for this creation.

Uploaded Files

#1733 chargedtower_neoncity.dungeon April 15, 2022 Download

#1734 chargedtower_neoncity_base_01.blueprint April 15, 2022 Download

#1735 chargedtower_neoncity_base_02.blueprint April 15, 2022 Download

#1736 chargedtower_neoncity_base_03.blueprint April 15, 2022 Download

#1737 chargedtower_neoncity_base_04.blueprint April 15, 2022 Download

#1738 chargedtower_neoncity_base_05.blueprint April 15, 2022 Download

#1739 chargedtower_neoncity_base_06.blueprint April 15, 2022 Download

#1740 chargedtower_neoncity_bossroom_01.blueprint April 15, 2022 Download

#1741 chargedtower_neoncity_bossroom_02.blueprint April 15, 2022 Download

#1742 chargedtower_neoncity_bossroom_03.blueprint April 15, 2022 Download

#1743 chargedtower_neoncity_bossroom_04.blueprint April 15, 2022 Download

#1744 chargedtower_neoncity_bossroom_05.blueprint April 15, 2022 Download

#1745 chargedtower_neoncity_bossroom_06.blueprint April 15, 2022 Download

#1753 chargedtower_neoncity_tower_01.blueprint April 16, 2022 Download

#1754 chargedtower_neoncity_tower_02.blueprint April 16, 2022 Download

#1755 chargedtower_neoncity_tower_03.blueprint April 16, 2022 Download

#1756 chargedtower_neoncity_tower_04.blueprint April 16, 2022 Download

#1757 chargedtower_neoncity_tower_05.blueprint April 16, 2022 Download

#1758 chargedtower_neoncity_tower_06.blueprint April 16, 2022 Download




Created 2 years ago

Updated 1 year ago

Rewarded 1 year ago
This creation has been Accepted by the Trove Developers, it will be added to the game.

The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Added 1 year ago
This Creation has been added to the game!

Charged Tower status has been set to Added

Ylva 1 year ago

Charged Tower status has been set to Rewarded

ActualPostCard 1 year ago

Charged Tower status has been set to Accepted

ActualPostCard 1 year ago

Charged Tower status has been set to Approved

Ylva 2 years ago

Charged Tower status has been set to Needs Review

Cyekie 2 years ago

Charged Tower status has been set to Active

Ylva 2 years ago


Charged Tower status has been set to Needs Review

Cyekie 2 years ago

Comments and Likes Comments 10

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Charged Tower status has been set to Added

Congratulations! Your dungeon has been added to Trove! 

It can be found in the Luminopolis biome.

Charged Tower status has been set to Rewarded

Charged Tower status has been set to Accepted

Charged Tower status has been set to Approved

Thank you for adding those variations, jump puzzle feels much more diverse now, good job! 


liked this!


Charged Tower status has been set to Needs Review

liked this!


Charged Tower status has been set to Active


What a nice dungeon :) I seriously like everything you did with it, great design, great colors, easy and fun layout!

Variations seem to be mostly on the color side, but they do offer enough variety :) Only thing that i believe needs to be improved is a jump puzzle on the inside of the towers.

Currently there are 3 platforms, 2 on the left 1 on the right and mirrored for the second layout. It seems to be possible to reach the top with minimum jumps, but i do worry that with our Trove Lag it would be more challenging for players than it should be. Id like to suggest you add one or two more platforms (up to total of 5 or so) in every tower. Their placement could vary just a tiny bit more to offer different challenge every time a new tower is spawned.

For an example of 'different platforms placing' :
- the first one is the current design
- second offers same 3x3 platforms with a jump pad in the middle but has 2 more of them
- third has bigger platforms attached to the walls
- fourth has corner platforms on opposite sides. 

Ofc, you dont have to make them this exact way, i only need them to be a bit more player-friendly and offer a bit more variety than same-but-mirrored. Obviously, players would do their best to approach this dungeon from above and skip all the insides, but for those that do travel all the way we should do our best :)

It looks like the towers dont have much deco aside from functional jump pads, portals, traps and plugs, so this should be a relatively quick and easy update.

Changing status to Active for now, but hoping to see it on Review again!

Charged Tower status has been set to Needs Review