Aetalian helmet
[Hat] [Sky Realm]

Questo piccolo elmo ha acceso molti dibattiti da quando è stato trovato in una cassa di un normale dungeon. Molti ricollocano questa scoperta nella leggenda della lingua proibita, l'"Etale", dimenticata dal volto della storia circa 2.015.000 anni fa, per la particolare composizione dei colori dello stemma. L'elmo è fatto di materiali divini sconosciuti e non sappiamo chi l'abbia costruito, né chi lo possedeva. Una cosa è certa: il casco, per qualche strano motivo, odora di pizza.
Created 3 years ago
Updated 3 years ago
The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Aetalian helmet status has been set to Added
ActualPostCard 3 years ago
Aetalian helmet status has been set to Rewarded
ActualPostCard 3 years ago
Aetalian helmet status has been set to Accepted
ActualPostCard 3 years ago
Aetalian helmet status has been set to Approved
Ylva 3 years ago
Aetalian helmet status has been set to Needs Review
Blazingsoul15 3 years ago
Aetalian helmet status has been set to Active
Ylva 3 years ago
Aetalian helmet status has been set to Needs Review
Blazingsoul15 3 years ago
Aetalian helmet status has been set to Active
Ylva 3 years ago
Aetalian helmet status has been set to Needs Review
Blazingsoul15 3 years ago
War puss status has been set to Active
Blazingsoul15 3 years ago
War puss status has been set to Needs Review
Blazingsoul15 3 years ago
War puss status has been set to Active
Ylva 3 years ago
War puss status has been set to Needs Review
Blazingsoul15 3 years ago

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Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove - Aetalian Helmet Replica !
It can be found in collections under Styles > Hats > Highlands.
Hat looks good! Thank you for fixing that Troxel model :)
Approving this one.
Forgot to mention, we do require a Blueprint of a creation uploaded to the Files tab (next to Home, Edit etc). It is needed for Developers to quickly download, check and add creations to Trove. Blueprint should be named according to a pattern of styletype_stylename[CreatorsName].blueprint
, so in your case - equipment_hat_aetalian_helmet[Blazingsoul15].blueprint
. This time i converted your latest Troxel model to a blueprint and uploaded that for you, but it saves me time if creators do it themselves :)
The new model looks much better, good job!
On your screenshots it looks like the helmet is pointed straight, but the model from your Troxel link is facing to the right, is that intended?
Also, it seems like the new helmet is one voxel too low, you can see the yellow bottom clipping through the hair.
It is very important to have a properly working Troxel model, else i can not verify that creation will work in game - and so i am not allowed to approve it. On your screenshots it looks like you have a properly made hat already, so if you just upload that file to Troxel it should be just fine.
Im going to change status of your creation to Active for now, set it back to Needs Review once you upload a new Troxel link.
Hello again!
This hat looks completely different from a cat-hat :) Its perfectly fine if you want to make a totally new design, but in such a case please use new Creation.
This hat meant to be a pizza-slice curved a bit to the back, right? There are a hot dog, a burger and a bag of popcorn fast-food hats available in game, but i dont think we have pizza hat just yet :)
Could you please make sure that the model you upload to Troxel as .qb file has a proper placement of the Pink Voxel - attachment point? Currently if i try to use the model from your Troxel link in game it looks like this, floating high above the head:
Im going to change status of your creation to Active for now, set it back to Needs Review if you upload changes to current design.
If you would rather make a hat or other creation based on a completely different idea - please set this one to Draft and use a creation slot that got freed up to post a new design.
Hi, thanks for all the advice, really nice. Actually that cat is a reference to the normal cats from The Battle Cats, because they are white, round, and tailless. The reason I chose Neon City is because the game was made in Tokyo, Japan, and Tokyo is a very futuristic city like Neon City. But if you mind, I'll change it to another biome. Thanks so much!
Modify: I added two new screenshots. And War puss don't looks like so much to the original battle cat, so is fine for me.
Hat looks cute! Is that a cat? I mean, i can tell its meant to be a cat from the description you have for it, but the model itself looks like it could be multiple things.
That said, to enforce the 'cat' i would suggest to make ears and paws more noticeable. On top of that, a fluffy tail could really help to sell this model as a chubby little cat :)
You marked this creation for Neon City biome, is this cat meant to be a robotic cat or another sort of mechanical creation? If so, i would suggest to use some colors from the Neon City biome itself > to make it visually fit in that biome. If you would prefer to keep the cat white id suggest to go with Permafrost biome instead.
We already have multiple cat-hats available for players, for example Cutest Catventurer,
Catnapping Kitty,
Gadgetobeanie and possibly more. I think keeping your design white could help it stand out from other cat-hats.
That said, if your creation is based on some other intellectual property (movie, cartoon, game etc) - it would need to be changed to be different enough from the original. Else we might get in a trouble if we add it to the game - company that owns the original design could sue us for using it in Trove.
Last but not least - please make sure that the creation is clearly visible on a screenshot, currently its hard to tell where the costume/face/head ends and hat starts.
Im going to change status of your creation to Active for now, set it back to Needs Review once you upload changes. If you would rather create something completely different - you could change the status of this one to Draft. That will hide it from the public list and will free up a slot for another creation :)
In any case - good luck!