leafy's blade

[Melee] [Geode Topside]

2 years ago

by 2020losersss Home Files

Model Viewer: Open in Troxel



Created 3 years ago

Updated 2 years ago

Active 2 years ago
This Creation is Active and is being worked on.

leafy's blade status has been set to Active

Ylva 2 years ago

leafy's blade status has been set to Needs Review

2020losersss 2 years ago

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leafy's blade status has been set to Active


That sword looks quite nice :) The flowers are really pretty!

However, there are over 950 various melee designs in game, so every new sword really does need to be unique and perfect, and that can be really challenging to achieve. For comparison, there are only 250 Fist styles and 450 spear styles.

I would strongly suggest to try and turn this sword into a blunt weapon or an Axe, just to make it stand out from the hundreds of existing swords. You can keep it as a sword ofc, but i do believe it would have more chances of getting in game if it was not a sword.

There are few other moments that would need to be adjusted before this style could approved:

- First of all, the handle around the Attachment Point must be 1 voxel thick. The red wrapping on the current model occupies 2 voxels, which means it will noticeably clip with 3x3x3 hands that most character models have.

The https://trove.fandom.com/wiki/Melee_Creation_Guide should be helpful on that matter. You can also use a Lint and Export button in Troxel to highlight any issues of that sort, if there are any. Load your model in, find the button on the right navigation panel, chose the type of your model and click on it.

- Another thing, you have set the Geode Topside biome for this creation. Is that on purpose? I have a feeling that a sword with flowers of this kind would fit much better in Fae or Highlands. You should be able to change the biome if you Edit your creation.

If you are aiming for the Geode Topside though, i would suggest to read through the Biome page for the biome - https://trovesaurus.com/biome=37/geode-topside . You can see all the styles, collectables etc that belong to the biome. There are some floral designs in there, but they are based on plants in Geode Caves. May be you could draw inspiration from that direction?

- Last but not least, you could try using some Material Maps on your creation - https://trove.fandom.com/wiki/Material_Map_Guide . These are used to add glow or transparency or metal shine to the voxels. Using maps can really help to make the design appear finished and refined.

I am going to change the status of this creation to Active for now. Set it back to Needs Review if you upload changes!
If you would rather create something completely different - set this creation to Draft. That would free up a Creation Slot for something else.

In any case - good luck!


leafy's blade status has been set to Needs Review