Dino Egg on Plant

[Dungeon (1 Star)] [Jurassic Jungle]

3 years ago

by Slaycool Home Files Download ZIP

A Dino thought it was a good place to make a nest.




Created 4 years ago

Updated 3 years ago

Rewarded 3 years ago
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Added 3 years ago
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Dino Egg on Plant status has been set to Added

ActualPostCard 3 years ago

Dino Egg on Plant status has been set to Rewarded

ActualPostCard 3 years ago

Dino Egg on Plant status has been set to Accepted

ActualPostCard 3 years ago

Dino Egg on Plant status has been set to Approved

Ylva 4 years ago

Dino Egg on Plant status has been set to Needs Review

Slaycool 4 years ago

Dino Egg on Plant status has been set to Active

Ylva 4 years ago


Dino Egg on Plant status has been set to Needs Review

Slaycool 4 years ago

Dino Egg on Plant status has been set to Active

Slaycool 4 years ago

Dino Egg on Plant status has been set to Needs Review

Slaycool 4 years ago

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Congratulations! Your dungeon has been added to Trove! 

It can be found in Saurian Swamp biome.

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Dino Egg on Plant status has been set to Approved

Hello again!

Dino dungeon is looking great, thank you for adding variations :) All functional elements seem to be in place too, good job.

Approved :)

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Dino Egg on Plant status has been set to Needs Review

Dino Egg on Plant status has been set to Active


Yay for a jurassic dungeon! It looks pretty solid, i like the path up the plant, nice touch for highlighting it :)

A few moments would need to be adjusted before i could approve it though.

A dungeon must be cut into separate blueprint pieces, that allows for an easy variety. With just one piece you need to create 2 complete big pieces to achieve 2 variations. However, if your dungeon is cut between a) bottom boss room; b) gameplay 'plant' and c) dino nest with portal to boss and you make 2 of each (that still work together) you immediately get 8 possible variations of same dungeon.

Luckily, with your design it should be quite easy to achieve very different combinations. Let me try to explain.

We start with cutting it into those 3 parts - underground boss room, plant itself and a nest with eggs. To make all variations work together you mark where your parts are connected:

- boss room is accessed through the portal so as long as it stays within same room dimensions you can have literally anything down below. Egg, Cave, cave full of eggs, angry Dino and a path to that could come from the left/right/side/bottom etc.

- plant goes from the ground to certain level where it holds the nest so the Plant part must always have a room for the nest, stand on the ground and provide a way for players to climb up. As long as the most top fits every nest you have - you can, again, do pretty much anything with the plant. Be that moving leaves around to form a different way up/jumping puzzle or adding some crazy stem twists or even turning that plant into a dino tree :) You could also play around with the height of a plant, if the current version is the 'tallest' there could also be a half-size and bending to the ground level plants.

- nest sits on the very top of the plant and reaches the top border of a dungeon. id suggest to attach a fake air roof to this blueprint. If all your plants have same room available for that nest and all pathways up from the ground end in same/near same locations you could make the nest vary nicely too. First thing that comes to mind for variations of it would be a nest with eggs (you already have it), a nest with few small eggs and one cracked egg with dino inside (think Plucky), a big happy dino baby/babies and small pieces of egg shells and an almost empty nest with shells and some food remains. Ofc every variation of nest would need to have same portal that leads to boss.

A variation of traps can also be a good thing to add, for example one boss room would have flame throwers and lava, other one would have lobbing turrets and spikes and so on.


You already know the Red Plug is used to plug a dungeon into Red Socket that exists in game worlds. Just like that one, you can use other pairs of plug-socket to attach rooms together.

One blueprint can have only one plug but multiple sockets. Thus: every variation of your Plant blueprint would need to have Red Plug (for world), Orange Socket (for nest) and Yellow Socket (for boss room). Every variation of Nest would need an Orange Plug (for plant), and every Boss Room would need a Yellow Plug (for plant). That would make sure that all bosses and all nests can plug into all plants. Hope it makes sense :)

As for mobs, decorations and functional things like portals - looks good! I would add a few more possible mob spawns on the outside of dungeon and on the climb up but thats about it.


Sorry for a wall of text.

Im going to change status of your dungeon to Active for now, set it back to Needs Review once you upload changes. If you would rather create something completely different - you could change the status of this one to Draft. That will hide it from the public list and will free up a slot for another creation.

In any case, good luck :)

Dino Egg on Plant status has been set to Needs Review

Dino Egg on Plant status has been set to Active

Dino Egg on Plant status has been set to Needs Review