Fistmas Tree

[Fist] [Medieval Highlands]

3 years ago

by siisawesome Home Files Download ZIP

Please take this creation into consideration :)

Sorry if there are mistakes, I wasn't able to lint it with Troxel.




Created 4 years ago

Updated 3 years ago

Rewarded 3 years ago
This creation has been Accepted by the Trove Developers, it will be added to the game.

The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Added 3 years ago
This Creation has been added to the game!

Fistmas Tree status has been set to Added

ActualPostCard 3 years ago

Fistmas Tree status has been set to Rewarded

ActualPostCard 3 years ago

Fistmas Tree status has been set to Accepted

ActualPostCard 3 years ago

Fistmas Tree status has been set to Approved

Ylva 3 years ago

Fistmas Tree status has been set to Needs Review

siisawesome 3 years ago

Fistmas Tree status has been set to Active

Ylva 4 years ago


Fistmas Tree status has been set to Needs Review

siisawesome 4 years ago

Fistmas Tree status has been set to Active

siisawesome 4 years ago

Fistmas Tree status has been set to Draft

siisawesome 4 years ago

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Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove - Fistmas Tree!

It can be found in collections under Styles > Fists > Tundra.

Fistmas Tree status has been set to Added

Fistmas Tree status has been set to Rewarded

Fistmas Tree status has been set to Accepted

liked this!

Fistmas Tree status has been set to Approved


So good to see this fist on review again :) Looks like everything is great now, well done!

Approved :)

Edit: Forgot to mention, we require a Blueprint of a creation uploaded to Files tab, its on top next to Edit and such. Having a blueprint uploaded allows Devs to easily download, check and put creations in Game. Blueprint should be named styletype_stylename[CreatorsName].blueprint , so in your case - equipment_weapon_fist_fistmastree[siisawesome].blueprint . This time around i ve uploaded a blueprint for you, made out of your latest Troxel link files, but it saves me time if creators do it by themselves :)

Fistmas Tree status has been set to Needs Review

liked this!

Fistmas Tree status has been set to Active


What a fun idea for a fist style :D Nicely made too!

Fist styles unfortunately can not be checked by Lint and Export in Troxel, they were added as a weapon type to Trove when the creator of Troxel already moved on to other projects, or so it appears to be. That said, you did a really good job with that style, it is almost perfect :)

I usually use Claws of Clarity in-game Dev made fist style for comparison since it uses maximum possible dimension.

Comparing it with your design, Fistmas Tree seems to have a handle going from the front to the back, rather than left-right. This is not a major issue but it would be best if it was pointing left-right or if AP (Attachment Point) was just floating in the middle all by itself.

Maximum Fist dimensions are 6 (long), 5 (wide) and 9 (tall), your design is 5x5x8 which fits by number but it needs to occupy same dimensions around the AP. If we align APs on Fistmas and in-game example:

Which means, your Fistmas Star is out of boundaries. An easy fist would be to lower your AP one voxel closer to the star. That will make hands sit a bit deeper in the fist but it should work just fine.

Lastly, while i highly enjoy the blocky appearance the tree as is i believe it might be worth it to adjust green colors slightly closer to 'pine' and may be add a little more shading on tree branches. A quick example of what i mean would look like this, but please do what you feel would look best :)

Im going to change status of your creation to Active for now, set it back to Needs Review once you upload changes. If you would rather create something completely different - you could change the status of this one to Draft. That will hide it from the public list and will free up a slot for another creation :)

In any case, good luck!

Fistmas Tree status has been set to Needs Review

Fistmas Tree status has been set to Active

Fistmas Tree status has been set to Draft