Highest Ox status has been set to Draft
LFPOM 3 years ago
Highest Ox status has been set to Active
Ylva 4 years ago
Highest Ox status has been set to Needs Review
LFPOM 4 years ago

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Sorry for the delay.
Helmet idea looks fantastic! I love the futuristic vibe it has and color choices make it a nice and unexpected addition to the set of moonsilver costumes \o/
As a general thought, if you are making a helmet that does not fit anything in Trove just yet its usually better to make a whole costume to come with it too and post it as a mod. Else there wont be much reason for players to wear it, like you said yourself: 'one of those random hats' :)
Few moments about the model itself:
- Currently the shape is very busy and there is a noticeable difference between flat blocky face and organic detailed horns. Horns do look like a really nice idea so i believe it would be best to keep them but make them somewhat more blocky. I made a quick edit to show what i mean by 'blocky'
- Colors. You are using a whole lot of white on white. Since we are lacking an ability to determine something as fabric/heavy fabric vs solid material in Trove its usually best to bring in a tiny bit more color to visually separate pieces and make the model more interesting. On the image above you can see the top horns and the frame of the mask using metal grey color instead of white.
- Material Maps are used to determine if a block will have transparency/glow/shine like metal etc. With a theme you picked for this helmet some glowing/glass/metal blocks surely could contribute to 'futuristic' look. You can find a guide over here > https://trove.fandom.com/wiki/Material_Map_Guide but please keep in mind that Material Maps can not overlap and there is no such thing as 'glowing metal' or 'iridescent glass'.
For example, with following material maps the helmet will look like this in game. Left to right: main qb model, Specular _s map - marking some blocks as metal and iridescent; Type _t map - marking some blocks as glowing glass and a layer of blocks behind them as glowing and an Alpha _a map - determines transparency for glass blocks.
To be absolutely clear, all above are just suggestions, you dont need to change your model to look like my edit. Its only meant to show a possible way the idea could be interpreted, im sure you can do better :)
- Last but not least - overall cleanness of the model. Its good to keep models clean on both inside and outside. Currently the helm has quite some empty spaces within and some blocks invisible from the outside have random colors. It would be best to fill all the gaps with a color that is already present on the model.
Im going to change the status of your creation to Active for now. The idea itself is absolutely great and fun, but the model could use a bit more love :)
K so I actually did it. What class does it look good on? I put it on Ice Sage, (my OG class) and looks like one of those random hats I would put to just get the jump, health, (whatever it has on it). But I only tried it on Ice Sage, and no other.
If your looking for this to be reviewed, you might as well make screenshots ingame fo your helmet and post it here.
1- Dowload the file attached to the helmet
2- Put the blueprint in the blueprints folder, that is in the trove game file
3- In game, type in chat /hatpreview helmet_highest_ox[LFPOM]