Q'bthulu Paradox

[Dungeon (3 Star)] [Shadow Dungeon]

6 years ago

by Evilagician Home Files Download ZIP

Q'bthulu presents players with a paradox.

Players start within the gaze of Q'bthulu and drop down into a huge area. A dual locked door prevents players from venturing to the major boss right away. Players will have to defeat two minor bosses and venture up a long shaft back to the eye.

Defeating a minor boss will make lava fall down (sadly couldn't test this in /metaforge) and this will be for both the purple path and the blue one.

Defeating both will make the eye bleed lava, because that's cool and evil. Players can now proceed to the final boss encounter to try and escape the paradox.




Created 6 years ago

Updated 6 years ago

Approved 6 years ago
This Creation was Approved by Creation Moderators and is waiting to be considered by Trove Developers for Acceptance.

Q'bthulu Paradox status has been set to Approved

Ylva 6 years ago

Q'bthulu Paradox status has been set to Needs Review

Evilagician 6 years ago

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Q'bthulu Paradox status has been set to Approved

Looking good. Going to set this one to mod Approved.

Q'bthulu Paradox status has been set to Needs Review