Forbidden Needle
[Staff] [Forbidden Spires]

This was once submitted to the subreddit a long time ago and got mod approved. It didn't go further than that because the subreddit got inactive.
Created 5 years ago
Updated 3 years ago
The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Forbidden Needle status has been set to Added
Ylva 3 years ago
Forbidden Needle status has been set to Rewarded
ActualPostCard 3 years ago
Forbidden Needle status has been set to Accepted
ActualPostCard 3 years ago
Forbidden Needle status has been set to Approved
Ylva 5 years ago
Forbidden Needle status has been set to Needs Review
Cyekie 5 years ago

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Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove - Forbidden Needle!
It can be found in collections under Styles > Staves > Forbidden Spires.
Oh i remember this one, so happy you decided to post it here :) The staff still looks great, my pleasure to approve!
For future reference, here on Trovesaurus we require a blueprint of creation uploaded to Files tab so Devs could easily download, check and put creations in game. I see you posted some files there, but we only need the main blueprint made from staff.qb+staff_s.qb+staff_t.qb (and+staff+a.qb if you are using alpha map), no separate material map blueprint. Plus, a blueprint should be named styletype_stylename[CreatorsName].blueprint
and so in your case staff_forbidden_needle[Cyekie13_].blueprint
. Capital letters only in Creators Name please.
This time i ve uploaded a correct blueprint for you (made from Troxel link files), so dont worry about it :)
would be nice if u can put a link to the reddits page about this staff that it was approved