Dragon head

[Melee] [Dragonfire Peaks]

5 years ago

by FranLugo123 Home Files Download ZIP

Model Viewer: Open in Troxel

note: i dont know why but blueprint file is bugged and glowing glas blocks dont appear on some voxels, also one of the bone voxels has glowing glass type. 

if someone knows how to fix it ill apreciate your help

on Metaforge picture you can apreciate the bug




Created 5 years ago

Updated 5 years ago

Draft Creation

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Dragon head status has been set to Draft

FranLugo123 5 years ago

Dragon head status has been set to Active

Ylva 5 years ago

Dragon head status has been set to Needs Review

FranLugo123 5 years ago

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Dragon head status has been set to Draft

Dragon head status has been set to Active


What a well-done model, great colors and shape :D Loving that neck bone too hah.

About glass not working, all material maps for styles should have attachment point in same location as main qb, else game would have no idea how and where to apply them. Your Alpha and Type map are missing those, at least in Troxel link.

If you select the type of style and click on Lint and Export button in your Troxel link it will display warning about that :)

Now about the design itself. We have quite some melee and staff designs that are based on the idea of flame/acid/ice/dark energy/whatever coming out of the mouth of dragon/skeleton/etc (with Hailitoxic Hammer being one that i actually use on my classes). You did make a very good use of that idea, but im afraid for a melee design it would need to be somewhat more unique.

May be you could turn it into some sort of an Axe? Or make it fit for Jurassic (dino) or Spires (more chineese looking dragon?) biomes.

Going to change status of this one for Active for now. Set it back to Review if you upload updated model, you know how it works :)

liked this!


Dragon head status has been set to Needs Review