Flowery Gift


5 years ago

by SkyTheVirus Home Files Download ZIP

Creation Files

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Uploaded Files

#800 c_p_hair_flowerygift[skythevirus].blueprint May 23, 2020 Download

#801 c_p_hair_flowerygift[skythevirus]_m.blueprint May 23, 2020 Download




Created 5 years ago

Updated 5 years ago

Draft Creation

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Flowery Gift status has been set to Draft

SkyTheVirus 5 years ago

Flowery Gift status has been set to Active

Ylva 5 years ago

Flowery Gift status has been set to Needs Review

SkyTheVirus 5 years ago

Flowery Gift status has been set to Active

SkyTheVirus 5 years ago

Flowery Gift status has been set to Draft

SkyTheVirus 5 years ago

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Hi, just wanted to say i finally get what you meant by the mask blueprints, took me a while but yes indeed, there needs to be a blueprint made just from mask qb together with main blueprint made from main.qb and maps. Thank you for pointing that out!

Flowery Gift status has been set to Draft

Flowery Gift status has been set to Active


Loving the idea of this one, and wow, thats really great how parts of the flower change together with hair color!

With that said, im sorry but im not quite convinced it creates the best visual impression. May be it would be possible to have more difference in color shades on flower and hair around it? So it would look more like a flower middle and less like hair visible between flower petals, if that makes any sense. Or if thats not an option, may be flower could always be the same?

Another thing, the hairstyle does work perfectly on heads without eyebrows, but with them they sort of blend together. It would be great if the forelock could be of other shade (or slightly other shape).

Hoping to see it on Review again!

Ps. Edit, edited that edit out :)

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Flowery Gift status has been set to Needs Review

Flowery Gift status has been set to Active

Flowery Gift status has been set to Draft