Anuran troglodite skull

[Decoration] [Jurassic Jungle]

5 years ago

by FranLugo123 Home Files Download ZIP

a skull from the primitive Anuran tribe, the cause of its death its unknown, but archeologists think he starved to death.




Created 5 years ago

Updated 5 years ago

Approved 5 years ago
This Creation was Approved by Creation Moderators and is waiting to be considered by Trove Developers for Acceptance.

Anuran troglodite skull status has been set to Approved

Ylva 5 years ago

Anuran troglodite skull status has been set to Needs Review

FranLugo123 5 years ago

Anuran troglodite skull status has been set to Active

Ylva 5 years ago

Anuran troglodite skull status has been set to Needs Review

FranLugo123 5 years ago

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Anuran troglodite skull status has been set to Approved

Hello again!

Thank you for a quick fix :D Looks and works just great, happy to approve!

For future reference, we require a blueprint of your creation uploaded to the site (Files button, next to Edit) so Devs could easily download creations to check and put in game. Blueprint should be named styletype_stylename[CreatorsName].blueprint and so in your case deco_anurian_troglodite_skull[FranLugo123].blueprint . I made one for you this time, from files in your latest Troxel link, but please do upload one yourself next time :)

Anuran troglodite skull status has been set to Needs Review

Anuran troglodite skull status has been set to Active


What a great decoration! Fun idea and blocky-trovian design, well done :)

Tiny thingy prevents me from approving it right away. All decorations have to be 12 voxels tall. It might seem like a silly rule and yet it is, there must be some voxel reaching the top border of 12x12x12 cube. That makes it possible to stack decorations or use them together with other decos, most obvious on a table or chair example - with 12-tall table you can put other decorations right on it; with 12-tall chair a player can /sit on it and dont levitate in mid air.

Also please do not use 'resize to bounding box' when exporting as Troxel link. Position of decorations is determined by their placement in that cube, and so not being able to see it makes it impossible to tell where a deco was meant to be located.

Examples of placing same thing in different places of a 12x12x12 cube:

Also while you will be adding couple of voxels to it, i believe it could be worth it to make axe handle a bit more sturdy and add tiny bit of shading to it. I made a quick edit based on your model just to show what i mean:

Going to set status of your creation to Active, change it back to Needs Review if you upload updated model. Really hoping to see this deco on review again! But if you d rather create something completely new, set status of this one to Draft, that will free up a creation slot for another style.

In any case, good luck!


👍 also nice job


yeah i thougt that too but i need to think how to place the arms and legs because in game there are floating but ill be working on it  :D

nice,it would be cooler if you added the body of him,close to the skull

Anuran troglodite skull status has been set to Needs Review