Mimic Magic-Stick

[Staff] [Medieval Highlands]

4 years ago

by FailedVictory Home Files Download ZIP

"That's gotta hurt." A staff style that's just a mimic impaled on a sword, in case you want to shoot magic from the mouth of a mimic.

3/19/2020- remade entire model from scratch. Lengthened sword, shortened tongue, reduced number of colors (maybe too much?), changed eyes, etc.




Created 5 years ago

Updated 4 years ago

Rewarded 5 years ago
This creation has been Accepted by the Trove Developers, it will be added to the game.

The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Added 4 years ago
This Creation has been added to the game!

Mimic Magic-Stick status has been set to Added

Ylva 4 years ago

Mimic Magic-Stick status has been set to Rewarded

entity 5 years ago

Mimic Magic-Stick status has been set to Accepted

Meowser 5 years ago

Mimic Magic-Stick status has been set to Approved

Ylva 5 years ago

Mimic Magic-Stick status has been set to Needs Review

FailedVictory 5 years ago

Mimic Magic-Stick status has been set to Active

FailedVictory 5 years ago


Mimic Magic-Stick status has been set to Draft

FailedVictory 5 years ago

Mimic Magic-Stick status has been set to Active

Ylva 5 years ago

Mimic Magic-Stick status has been set to Needs Review

FailedVictory 5 years ago

Mimic Magic-Stick status has been set to Active

Ylva 5 years ago

Mimic Magic-Stick status has been set to Needs Review

FailedVictory 5 years ago

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Mimic Magic-Stick status has been set to Added

Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove - Mortician's Mimicry

It can be found in collections under Styles > Staves > Highlands.

Mimic Magic-Stick status has been set to Rewarded

Mimic Magic-Stick status has been set to Accepted

Mimic Magic-Stick status has been set to Approved

Hello again!

Looking nice :) I like the changes, very good job on recoloring, it looks clean, bright and Trovian, well done!

Glad you kept the long handle on a sword, it might seem a bit off on the model but in game it looks perfectly balanced and gives a feeling of "my strong older brother gave me this sword after it got stuck in the Mimic" :D Im very fond of this concept!

Happy to Approve.

Mimic Magic-Stick status has been set to Needs Review

Mimic Magic-Stick status has been set to Active

Mimic Magic-Stick status has been set to Draft

Mimic Magic-Stick status has been set to Active

Hello again!

Sorry for the delay.

Looking good! Sword looks much more convincing than iron stick :) Glad you kept wooden colors on the chest too.

Wanted to ask you to add tiny bit of shading to the model, but it seems like you already used Noise automated coloring? To the eye it looks like your model has 5-6 different colors on it, while actually there are over 150 different colors on it.

This is something i am not allowed to approve, sorry. Each separated voxel color is rendered as separated 'group', more groups there are > longer it takes to render something. On the scale of one staff equipped on one person it might not be an issue, with more people wearing it in the same place it could get bad.

Could you please redo the coloring? Should be relatively easy, model is not all too big.

Once that is done, i think it would be great to add some hand-painted shading on the chest. May be some a hint for wooden planks? Also i think the eyes could really pop up if they were a bit more Trovian - bigger and square.

I tried some things out and came up with following edit, based on your model and suggestions above. It also has a bit longer sword but shorter tongue. I tried to separate gold on sword from gold on mimic, but im not convinced that worked out in the best possible way.

Edit: There ended up being this many colors used, but since they differ more from each other it looks like there are more used.

Going to change status to Active, please fix the colors >_< Hoping to see it back on review soon!

Mimic Magic-Stick status has been set to Needs Review


Thank you! I think I'll try the idea of it being stuck on a sword, since it sounds pretty fun. And I'll experiment with the colors too to see how it looks with the more standard Trove chest colors. Thanks again!

Mimic Magic-Stick status has been set to Active

Hello again!

Hah, this is a fun idea, i like it :D

Its usually better to avoid something-on-a-stick designs, they dont look as 'complete' and attractive as they could if there was some sensible connection between stick part and item part. In your case, may be a skeleton arm + hand (s?) could hold the mimic? Or it could sit on a shovel that was used to dug it up? Or may be it got stuck in tree roots? Or may be player pierced it with a sword from behind? Although sword might not be the best option since its a staff :P

In any case, i think it would be really great if you could investigate one of those, or some other options to connect :)

I do like bright and clean colors you used, but as a wild idea, may be try color chest as one of Trove dungeon chests? Red or green or even shadowy? On the other hand current colors read very well as 'chest' so might leave them as is :)

Going to change status back to Active, im sure with a bit more work this mimic could be just stunning!

Mimic Magic-Stick status has been set to Needs Review