Wise Wolf


5 months ago

by El_Apple Home Files

Model Viewer: Open in Troxel



Created 5 years ago

Updated 5 months ago

Active 5 months ago
This Creation is Active and is being worked on.

Wise Wolf status has been set to Active

Ylva 5 months ago

Wise Wolf status has been set to Needs Review

El_Apple 5 months ago

Wise Wolf status has been set to Active

Ylva 5 years ago

Wise Wolf status has been set to Needs Review

El_Apple 5 years ago

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Wise Wolf status has been set to Active

Oh, wow, its been 4 years.

I dont disagree with your argumentation, there are multiple monkey and other animals helmets in game, and it would be great to have more options available. However, the Curious Chimp and Banana Bomber Beamer or the Emo Bear and Bear Faced are very different from each other. The Zombear is based on the Emo bear, but it has a whole lot more details, a new shape, new colors and new texture.

This helmet is very close both in shape and coloring/texture to the Worlfrik. I was saying that it would be great if it was more unique than this.



If you are absolutely sure that there is nothing to improve on this design, we could put it in the Approved section, but please make sure that the model in Troxel has the Attachment Point in the correct location. Without it the helmet model will not get placed properly in game, so if i approve it right now and Devs would want to try it in game - it would appear broken on their side.

It would also help if you had the blueprint uploaded to the Files tab, but i can create that from the Troxel link, if the Troxel link is correct.

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Although there are other wolves heads, the gaze and overall look of the head is different. At the same time, there are several versions of 'bear heads' and 'monkey heads' already in the game.

Because of this, I believe the style may diversify the canine family of head styles and would balance the amount of styles among different kind of animal species.

Wise Wolf status has been set to Needs Review

furro x3

Wise Wolf status has been set to Active


Your design looks good, but unfortunately there is already fox helmet in game Freewheeling Foxhelm and a wolf helmet too Wolfrik.

I think this count count for the contest participation, but i dont think i would be able to approve another fox. May be try some other animal that has not been made yet? Or look at other kinds of foxes/wolfs?

Going to set this one to Active, changet status back to Review if you update the model. You could also set status to Draft and create something completely new instead :)


furro x2

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Wise Wolf status has been set to Needs Review