Banana's Justice
[Staff] [Treasure Isles]

Didnt like too much lateral details so tried to make the Banana support a bit more complex, had some problems with the voxel archives but everything should be ok
Created 5 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Banana's Justice status has been set to Added
ActualPostCard 2 years ago
Banana's Justice status has been set to Rewarded
ActualPostCard 2 years ago
Banana's Justice status has been set to Accepted
ActualPostCard 2 years ago
Banana's Justice status has been set to Approved
Ylva 2 years ago
Banana's Justice status has been set to Needs Review
Azenzo 2 years ago
Banana's Justice status has been set to Active
Ylva 2 years ago
Banana's Justice status has been set to Needs Review
Azenzo 2 years ago
Banana's Justice status has been set to Active
Ylva 5 years ago
Banana's Justice status has been set to Needs Review
Azenzo 5 years ago
Banana's Justice status has been set to Active
Ylva 5 years ago
Banana's Justice status has been set to Needs Review
Azenzo 5 years ago

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Whoops, so sorry for the delay!
So the warning that i meant looks like this. It says 'bugged' but it is just the way game works now.
It applies both to voxels on the inside and outside.
That said, i believe your design looks pretty great, good work! Going to approve it as is.
Aside from Troxel, we also require a blueprint uploaded to the Files tab so Developers could easily download, check and add things in game. Dont worry, this time i ve made blueprint from your latest Troxel link and uploaded for you. I did fix that one voxel that Troxel is still complaining about on it (removed Metal, kept Glow), let me know if it should be Metal.
Hello there!
Its been a long time, but im really happy to see this idea back on review :)
The staff does look better, i like the new banana holder.
However, the material maps still seem to be overlapping, i can not Approve the creation while it has such overlaps.
You can check that yourself if you use Lint and Export button in Troxel - open your model, find Trove Creations on the right navigation bar, select the type of your mode (staff) and click that button. If everything is good it will say - All Tests Passed! But it will keep nagging about the material maps if there are issues.
I might have mentioned it before, the guide on Wiki is incorrect, it suggests to use glowing and specular on same voxels, but the game engine does not render Glowing Metal or Transparent Iridescent blocks. If some voxel is glowing - it can only be Rough on Specular and so on.
Im going to try it with an image again. If the image is too small - right click on it and use Open image in a new Tab :
Here are 3 variations of material maps.
Most left one is the current design - you can see voxels on the pommel, around the handle, on the banana holder and on banana itself are circled in on different material maps. You have same voxels Glowing on Type (_t) map, and Iridescent, Water and Waxy on the Specular (_s) map. This is not good, the game does not render Glowing Water and others, you have to pick one kind.
On the middle and most right images you can see material map setups that would work - the middle image has all those voxels as default on Type, so they can keep the Specular. The most right image keeps the Glowing, but because of that all those voxels were turned Rough (default) on Specular.
Any combination between those two images would work too as long as mapping on Type (and Alpha) does not compete mapping on the Specular for the same voxels.
You can have glowing and iridescent voxels on the model, but they can not be the same exact blocks!
Please make sure your material maps are alright before sending this back to Review. Troxel check up is free and quick and easy, and that is something you can do yourself without having to wait for a creation to get reviewed :)
Good luck!
Hello again!
Troxel links are what i check and review so they are the main thing. Screenshots you mostly need to 'wow' the devs when they open creation post :)
While it does look alright in game, it also has to work correctly. It seems like you have same overlapping material maps going on, top to bottom .qb, _t, _a and _s :
You did attach the banana, cant argue with that :P However i think there are some more things that can be done to improve the design. At the moment 'shaft' part seems relatively empty, plus using yellow on that and on banana makes it visually harder to tell what you are looking at from the first sight. Trove has so many styles already that its crucial to have all the new ones as refined as possible.
May be if shaft didnt have any yellow/gold on it the banana would be more attractive?
I tried out a few things and came up with design looking like this:
Im not convinced that squished qubes really fit, but they do add some unusual vibe. Bigger and 'plugged in' banana gives it move value and adds a sense of 'complete' feeling.
You dont have to copy that design at all, just hoping it could give you some direction for your own adjustments :)
Please double check all material maps in your Troxel before sending it to review again. Also, you can upload more images to the post itself, Images button next to Edit.
What a fun idea! I like how silly and Trovian it feels :D
Unfortunately there are some things that need to be fixed before i could approve this.
Creations can not contain floating or corner-connected elements. Yes there are some designs like that in game, but they are exactly why we have this rule now. That banana would need to be connected to the shaft.
The size of you staff fits in the dimensions indeed, but they are given 'around' the Attachment point, if one side has less space used it doesnt mean the other side can use more space. Moving your AP to the back end of the staff by 2-3 voxels should solve that :)
Im glad you tried material maps, they really do bring shine and glow :) However there seem to be some confusion about them. On the left is your design, top to bottom Main model, type map, alpha map and specular map. On the right is mapping that could work, not talking design here but only technical side for now.
For the note, i do think transparent banana would look a bit too much like a crescent moon so i wouldnt use alpha on it. But i might be wrong and it could turn out just great :P
Going to set status of your creation to Active for now, set it back to Review if you update the post. If you would rather work on creating something completely else you could set it to Draft, that would free up a slot for new creation.