Earth Gem
[Pistol] [Sky Realm]

This gem is only in the game files, and I don’t think it will ever be used, but I made a gun for it just in case...
Earth Gem status has been set to Draft
PROfessOriginal 5 years ago
Earth Gem status has been set to Active
Ylva 5 years ago
Earth Gem status has been set to Needs Review
PROfessOriginal 5 years ago

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Im sorry, but i believe there are already enough gem-guns approved. In general i was told to keep an eye on repeated ideas and dont approve something that has already been made, at least because there are so many other cool ideas yet to be done, but in a case with your guns it made sense to approve one of each existing type. I cant say that about earth gems sadly.
If they ever become a thing, sure, but for now im afraid i will have to set it to Active. You could set it to Draft to free up a slot for some other creation.