oso de permafrost
[Helmet] [Animal Head]
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#579 equipment_helm_full_polarbear[theevil203].blueprint March 12, 2020 Download
Created 5 years ago
Updated 5 years ago
The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
oso de permafrost status has been set to Added
Ylva 5 years ago
oso de permafrost status has been set to Rewarded
entity 5 years ago
oso de permafrost status has been set to Accepted
Meowser 5 years ago
oso de permafrost status has been set to Approved
Ylva 5 years ago
oso de permafrost status has been set to Needs Review
theevil203 5 years ago
oso de permafrost status has been set to Active
Ylva 5 years ago
oso de permafrost status has been set to Needs Review
theevil203 5 years ago
oso de permafrost status has been set to Active
Ylva 5 years ago
oso de permafrost status has been set to Needs Review
theevil203 5 years ago
oso de permafrost status has been set to Active
Ylva 5 years ago
oso de permafrost status has been set to Needs Review
theevil203 5 years ago

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Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove - Iced Iced Beary!
It can be found in collections under Styles > Hats > Stash Exclusive.
Hello again!
Looking great with colors, well done! This design really went the long way hah, but such an improvement from version1, good job! Im also very happy that you went with cartoon-ish and blocky version instead of realistic one i was trying to suggest in the beginning, your take on it looks so much better :D
Ps. On your model you had more than one attachment point - colored voxels. I fixed it for you this time around but please keep an eye on them yourself next time :) Green arrow points at one that is meant to be there, red points at ones that should not.
Also its generally good to color all hidden voxels in the model in some color that you are already using, just for the sake of keeping things clean and tidy. You had some browns and oranges hidden in there, they are also fixed.
Hello again!
Oh my, this looks so much better with shading, well done! Bear looks alive and happy haha.
One last minor thing though, do you think it could benefit from just tiny bit of color? At the moment its purely black and white, may be dark shade of blue for the eyes and a bit pink for ears instead of black there? Eyes and in-side parts of ears seem to be using same shades of grey right now, it could a bit confusing to the eye >_<
Also, i love it very much how you did the mouth, it looks great! However it could be just a tiny bi too dark, may be making it slightly brighter (and further from the nose color) would work better.
Quick edit based on your current model and suggestions above:
Im not sure about pink in the ears at all, but im sure you can come up with something better :D
Back to active for a bit.
Hello again!
Changes look good, shape is going the right direction for sure! Coloring on the other hand could possibly be better.
At the moment you are only using black and white, and while that is not wrong, it will look very plain in game, more like work-in-progress instead of completed creation. In other words, model could look much more interesting if it had some shading on it. Darker where the shadows are and brighter where light (imaginary) falls on it. It doesnt need to be anything extreme, just a hint of texture/shape to make it more alive.
Going to set this back to Active for now.
If you upload some changes, set status to Review and i will get to it as soon as im able to within the public queue.
Sorry i dont speak Spanish :( Could you please use English?
I very much like the idea, polar bears are so beautiful and strong!
Few things before i could count your creation for the contest and/or approve it. Please include in-game screenshots of your creation. In-editor screenshots are optional. If you wish to post a reference image too, please leave it in the Description field.
It seems your model is based on Bulldog helmet? It is not wrong to use something as a base, but please make sure you creation is your own and different enough. Plus, bulldog skull is very different from polar bear skull, so some model changes are absolutely necessary.
About the coloring, while Polar bears are mostly white, they still have brighter and darker parts, especially on the head/nose. Could be good to try and capture that instead of using plain white for a whole model :)
I made a quick and rough edit just to show a possible take on that. It is still very far from perfect though.
Going to set this one back to active so you could work on it a bit more.