Evergreen Snapper
[Helmet] [Animal Head]

Alternate version of the new Croc Head: Troxel Link
Created 5 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Evergreen Snapper status has been set to Added
_FutureHero_ 2 years ago
Evergreen Snapper status has been set to Rewarded
ActualPostCard 3 years ago
Evergreen Snapper status has been set to Accepted
ActualPostCard 3 years ago
Evergreen Snapper status has been set to Approved
Ylva 5 years ago
Evergreen Snapper status has been set to Needs Review
SkyTheVirus 5 years ago
Evergreen Snapper status has been set to Active
SkyTheVirus 5 years ago
Evergreen Snapper status has been set to Draft
SkyTheVirus 5 years ago
Evergreen Snapper status has been set to Active
SkyTheVirus 5 years ago
Evergreen Snapper status has been set to Needs Review
SkyTheVirus 5 years ago
Evergreen Snapper status has been set to Active
Ylva 5 years ago
Evergreen Snapper status has been set to Needs Review
SkyTheVirus 5 years ago

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Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove - Crocodile Smile !
It can be found in collections under Styles > Hats > Stash Exclusive.
Hello again!
Im so happy for this one, it turned out extraordinary well :D Open mouth really gives it character!
Going to approve a version without head visible. Half-swallowed Trovian is fun, but does not quite fit the contest idea of real-life representations of animals :(
I would be happy to approve one with visible head outside of a contest though. With may be slight adjustments to face/color/something of alligator so it would fit in, lets say, treasure isles and will be different enough from this gorgeous animal head. If you d want to submit something like that ofc :D
Approving Version 3.
I've made two versions of the new and improved Croc head.
- One without the inner mouth, revealing the Trovian head inside: Troxel Link
- And one with the inner mouth: Troxel Link
I did my best at it, but It just pains me to hear this...
Usually a corc is know for its long snoot but I guess its gonna have to be down-scalled. It just doesnt looks the same anymore ;-;
Sorry for the delay.
The alligator looks stunning! I love the way you did texture and coloring on him, nice use of material maps too :D I was about to click approve but length of its head caught my eye >_<
The box is template dimensions, as you can see his nose pokes right through it by good 6 voxels. You think it would be possible to reduce its length by at least some? If its absolutely necessary for the design, i suppose 1-2 off the template could be alright.
(just noticed that giraffe also bit longer, so going to figure out how we fix that)
It pains me to send the snapper away, but im hoping to see him back on review soon.