
[Helmet] [Animal Head]

5 years ago

by Grumpsa Home Files Download ZIP

Allllllrighty, taking all advice into consideration, this is the Beaut' that came out, much much better than I could have imagined. Thank you for all the tips and pointers plus the compliments! here you go!




Created 5 years ago

Updated 5 years ago

Rewarded 5 years ago
This creation has been Accepted by the Trove Developers, it will be added to the game.

The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Added 5 years ago
This Creation has been added to the game!

Clawson status has been set to Added

Ylva 5 years ago

Clawson status has been set to Rewarded

entity 5 years ago

Clawson status has been set to Accepted

Meowser 5 years ago

Clawson status has been set to Approved

Ylva 5 years ago

Western Clawson/ Clawson status has been set to Needs Review

Grumpsa 5 years ago

Western Clawson/ Clawson status has been set to Active

Ylva 5 years ago


Western Clawson/ Clawson status has been set to Needs Review

Grumpsa 5 years ago

Western Crab status has been set to Active

Ylva 5 years ago

Western Clawson status has been set to Needs Review

Grumpsa 5 years ago

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Clawson status has been set to Added

Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove - Soft-Helm!

It can be found in collections under Styles > Hats > Stash Exclusive.

Clawson status has been set to Rewarded

Clawson status has been set to Accepted

Clawson status has been set to Approved

Hello again!

Sorry for the delay.

Looking great! Loving the color change and those eyes are indeed better than i could ve imagined too :D Nicely done, happy to approve!

(there is some possibility to complain about busy sides with lots of voxels that dont look square, but changing shape of that makes whole helmet less crabby so i think its good as is)

Western Clawson/ Clawson status has been set to Needs Review

Western Clawson/ Clawson status has been set to Active

Hello again :)

Looking fancy without a hat :D

It should work better this way indeed, but there are some things that would need to be fixed.

Your model seems to be a shell around the template, please floodfill the holes with some base color that is also used on the model so the whole thing is just one cluster of voxels.

For colors, im very impressed by smooth and pleasant coloring you did on the 'belly' part, well done! Although on top you used very bright colors that are used in Trove as material maps, please pick some other shades. Material map colors on main .qb could cause issues when that is converted to .blueprint. Going for softer natural colors (as far as boiled crab natural colors go) could be a good thing.

Shape of the model is alright, but it feels closer to clam than crab, at least to me. Plus it is rather busy, there are lots of stairs-like diagonals. While costumes use full voxel size in game helmets get scaled down so busy helmet shape wont look good on generally flat and 'clean shaped' costumes.

With those suggestions in mind i made an edit based on your model. Given dimensions are absolute maximum and there is not much of a need to stretch helmet to the borders.

Dont mind the eyes much, was just trying to see how that would look, but feel free to use idea if you like it :)

To be clear, you creations works perfectly good for a contest, count your participation token earned! However if you are aiming to get this one approved and hopefully accepted by Trove dev team id suggest to use some of that feedback from above :)

Oh also for fun purposes, i tried how that would look with legs, feels a bit over the edge xD

Going to set status to Active, please change it back to Review if you upload any changes :)

Western Clawson/ Clawson status has been set to Needs Review

Western Crab status has been set to Active


Hahah oh my this is hilarious! Loving the idea :D This crab has so much style!

For a contest though, i would need to ask you to take his hat off, as we are trying to fit it together with other animal heads which are just plain animal heads.

May be without it you could also place eyes a bit closer together and somewhat higher? Im not an expert in crab anatomy so image might work better than words :)

They only turn red when they are well-done but i think its a great idea to keep Trovian crab red, its more recognizable crab color than their natural one, oddly enough :)

Note about the hat though, at the moment it blends in with rest of the crab, if we were to keep that it would be better if it had contrasting color. Brown or light brown may be.

Going to set status to Active so you could de-hat this one, but hoping to see back on Review soon!

Western Clawson status has been set to Needs Review

liked this!
