Straw Hat
[Hat] [Treasure Isles]

Luffy's hat
Like in One Piece
Straw Hat status has been set to Draft
adril64 5 years ago
Straw Hat status has been set to Active
Ylva 5 years ago
Straw Hat status has been set to Needs Review
adril64 5 years ago
Straw Hat status has been set to Active
adril64 5 years ago
Luffy Hat status has been set to Needs Review
adril64 5 years ago

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The hat is very cute, but unfortunately there are already two straw hats in game that look very similar to your concept: Sun Hat and
Simple Straw Hat. Duplicate ideas happen, but we do our best to make sure that every style is unique. Im sorry, but i will not be able to approve this idea.
If you would be interested to try something else, please make sure your creation follows guidelines. At the moment your hat is missing Attachment point, has bigger dimensions than allowed ones, has corner connected voxels and does not use any Material maps (which might not be needed at all for a straw hat, but works nicely to highlight bits and pieces on most concepts). In Troxel you can chose Type of your creation and click Lint and Export button for it to automatically check creation for flaws, if any.
Im going to set status of this post to Active, to remove it from the list of your creations and free up a slot for something else you could set its status to Draft. It will stay in your profile but will not be displayed on public Active list.