devoided radiance
[Melee] [Sky Realm]
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#332 sword_devoidedradiance[seedyman].blueprint January 13, 2020 Download
Created 5 years ago
Updated 5 years ago
The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
devoided radiance status has been set to Added
Ylva 5 years ago
devoided radiance status has been set to Rewarded
entity 5 years ago
devoided radiance status has been set to Accepted
Meowser 5 years ago
devoided radiance status has been set to Approved
Ylva 5 years ago
devoided radiance status has been set to Needs Review
seedyman 5 years ago
devoided radiance status has been set to Active
Ylva 5 years ago
devoided radiance status has been set to Needs Review
seedyman 5 years ago
devoided radiance status has been set to Active
Ylva 5 years ago
devoided radiance status has been set to Needs Review
seedyman 5 years ago

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Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove - Devoided Radiance!
It can be found in collections under Styles > Melee > Radiant.
Hello again :)
Oh i love that chain, very interesting design! Loving the color changes too, well done!
At the moment there are only tiny bits in the design that concern me.
There are quite some parts (circled in red) that have quite a messy look because of those diagonal patterns. In most left circle and middle one they create almost a chess board coloring, those dont really fit in Trovian style. Connecting them and making them more bulky (like the part circled in green) should do the trick.
Also, could you please use /weaponpreview on classes that are fit for this type of weapon? Sword on gunslinger looks fun, but that does not help the purpose of showing off how well would that sword work in game.
Back to active for another bit, hope to see it on review again soon, you have a very promising design going on!
You ve made a nice sword! However, there are over 900 melee weapons in game, so a sword would need to be very unique and attractive to get accepted.
I do like the shape and coloring, but may be you could add some details so it would stand out more? Sky realm has more than one shade of gold and bronze in the pallet, could be nice to use that. Also, you have very repetitive shape pattern going on with the top edge of the blade, breaking that up a little could make the sword look more refined.
I made a quick edit based on your model just to show a possible direction you could take it. While im not that fond of chipped blade i do think its good to have something less unicolor on golden parts, although im sure you can come up with something better :)
Going to set this one back to Active for a bit, good luck!