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Commented on Undertale Mod Pack mod
I need your help!
I'm not an expert Trove player (I'm just in U3 and I'm just mastery 22), which is why the mod is for Dracolytes (for now) because it's my main and strongest class. I need someone who has a lot of Items, costumes and classes that can show me the models if they look good or not.
Catch me in Trove and show me if you can provide the items. My IGN is KnightPlaysTROVE.
So I basically need someone who:
- Has items that can model the mod for me.(that includes items, costumes, mounts, pets, etc.)
- Active when I'm active. (My time zone is PHT)
The next update might take long since I need someone to help me. I'll send more info to whoever I choose to model for for me.