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Commented on Candy Llama Contest page

Intro(First paragraph) not included in the 250- word story pure reference only

words with () are extra information or reference that will help the strory link with Trove lore

During the dawn of ,chaos ran rampand and destructive, for eons the bits of chaos slowly merged into a sentient being known only as the Sun goddess which in turn created the infinite worlds of trove and from those worlds was her favored Sanctuary of the sky and from then she created a Mirrored version of herself by hoisting her impurities in the sacred altar and brought forth the Moon together they brought the first trovians into existence, under their care the trovian flourished and so it was. yet all things joyous can only be but the dull before the storm for the remnants of the wild chaos that escped during the birth of the Moon created creatures of unimaginable horror and power, this is stroy revovles around the creature that brought ruin and salvation


Tales spoke of a creature that embodied the hate of trovians , and bane of all it encounters,none would approach this "thing" of all who walked the realm of the sun goddess it found only loneliness as her company. She was sallathra the scourge of the sunwalkers. Not much is known of her except for the blistering ooze of corrosive sludge that endlessly flows from her carapace of some sorts, her ruby red eyes that shone with the suffering of others, giagantic obsidian sword that can cleave even the spirit and if you listen closely you can hear the eerie howls of the damned that seems to emanate from what can only be described as a monstrosity and nothing more, but sallathra was not what the rumours revealed her to be, because although malevolent and powerful she had a penchant to look over the young but still she felt empty, especially children. One morning in a sparkling forest flled with flowers and magic, (Which later will be known as the Fae Wilds/Forests) she came across a small crying girl, Being weak aaginst children she decided to take a look but was afraid that her appearance might only aggrevate the child, she spoke from the distance "whats your name dear one", she spoke in the most mellow voice she could muster, "I'm Luna the Moon's Daughter" , utterly shocked as to why the child of one of the two godesses, she thought on using her to gain the trust of the godesses so that she could over throw them or at least cause war

Sallathra: and what brings you here.

Luna (Dotm): i was playing in the Sunflower Meadows (Peaceful Hills) then I saw a small sparkling black butterfly i tried to catch it then I ended up here, Wont you help me.

Sallathra: cleary the work of dark faes, dont worry young one just follow my voice i'll lead you to the great altar (Altar of the Moon)

And so begins the story of the Daughter of the moon and Sallathra.

Sallathra: let us go young one

Luna: GRurglrrr!!! Ow my tummy hurts

Sallathra: what is it ! are you hurt somewhere did you eat anything strange

Luna: I remebered eating green liquid from a stump with green glowing swirl on it

Salathra Whisper: Thats sticky ichor from and enchanted stump, that induces hunger if i dont give something to eat her it could get worse

and so she scoured the landscape for food but nothing was around except those stumps and mischievous sprites. before she could let the young girls condition get worse she only thought of one solution, she ate all the stumps she could find and hoped that the chaos energy inside  her could use her own life force to make a cure strange all it did was turn her black oozing skin into an pink creamy like substance upon closer inspection her skin tuned into a popular Trovian frozen desert. Sallathra then contemplated on what to do and ended up serving a piece of herself in to large leaf that she found lying around and handed it beside the daugter of the moon while her back was turned and quickly ran off befor she could get a glimpse of her.

Luna: mmm is this Ice- Cream  i just absolutely love this

Sallathra: im glad you thought so

Luna: wont you show yourself to me

Before salathra could answer she saw the sun setting over the horizon ,she knew that the moon could spot her lost child and thought of an idea, she could bring the child at the top of the castle of Lord Darkthicket ( Fae Wilds Large Dungeon Boss)

Sallathra: im sorry dear child i cannot let you see me for now

Luna: can i least know your name

Sallathra: its Sallat- er imean Sally, Just Sally

Luna: hmm thats an odd name i know ill call you Sweet Sally because of the sweetest ice cream that i have ever tasted was the one you gave me tehehe.

For the first time in her life salathra became flustered at the young girls speech, it made her feel important, all the more that she should prioritize of not leting Luna see her and a plan on how the can sneak into the Fae Lord's Castle. As she was leading luna, She sould feel that both of them were being watched.

Sweet Sally: Luna Dear can duck and close your eyes and then count to ten

Luna: uhmm okay 1 2 3 4

Using her powers she instanlty transported them to the castle but was halted by the castle's enchanted gem door with the inscription " With chaos a jewel that suffered Throughout can a traveller use this door wihout" before she could contemplate one of her ruby eyes reacted and was obliterated by a small beam from the door's cornerstone leaving  the door open and sally in great pain. "Luna , dear lets go now" Barely hiding the pain she is feeling, she only felt cold sweat as the fae lord him self was holding the child hostage. Let her go , she said in a flurry of attacks

Darkthicket:now watch child look and the real face of your so called savior

Luna: Sally is that you

And as sally was feeling ashamed, the fae lord let out a cascade of magical energies while holding the Luna by the neck

Sally: You cowardly littl-

Darkthicket: said the one who wanted to sneak in to my castle and use this little girl to start a war

Luna: Sally is that true

As tear were flooding the eyes of the young child ,Sally can only stutter

Sally: nnn-no that isss- not-tt true, not anymore

Sally did the only thing she could ,using a mostl of chaotic energy she launched her tail and sliced the Fae lord in half leaving a brown cone of sorts in it place.

Luna: i can't Believe i Trusted You

Sally: now is not the time for this ,yes i used no go to the top of the castle and cry mommy

Sally turned her back on the crying child that went on to the top of the castle, she already knew that that would be her reaction, i mean who could ever love a monster. But before she could continue the armies of the dead Fae lord burst forth from hiding to the top of the tower. Before they could kill the crying girl she teleported to her side at cost of her other eye

Luna: why did you protecting me i thought you were using me to get what you want

Sally: i did and i found it, i found what i was missing

Before Luna could hug her, several soldiers impaled Sally although she make quick work of them but she knew her time was drawing near and duty she must do before it comes, only the timely arrival of the moon's envoy was when Sally accepted her faith

Luna: wait we have to save her, NOOOOOOO

Envoy: we wont be able to outrun these creatures if we save that monster young miss

Luna: she is not a monster. she-she is my friend

Sally: its okay dear child, here take this. ( her tail and other eye)

Luna: but wait  what will happen to you ,didnt you found what you wanted ,you have to keep living, please dont leave me

Sally and luna could nolener hold there tears, with a soft voice sally spoke

Sally: i did, i found out in our short time together what i needed was a heart that could love and be loved now go, grow strong and be happy.

Using the last of her power she pulled in all the remaining enemies and flew to the sky with her last thought thinking about luna and that she wanted to spend more time with luna, as she draw her final breath she burst into an array of fireworks, and brought joy to the trovians who were lucky enough to watch it leaving only the young daughter of the moon to know what really happened that day

and on this day the daughter of the moon wields the third eye of salathra while bradishing the tail as her sword ,as a  memory to her first and only friend.

little did she know that Sally was reincarnated by the last power of the sun goddess will these two ever meet again, well let leave that for another time