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Commented on Candy Llama Contest page

One day, while traveling the mountains near the Permafrost, the Candy Barbarian saw a strange and majestic creature: the llama.  He decided he must have this wondrous being as a mount, and did the only thing a Candy Barbarian could logically do in this situation: he killed it.  He then dragged the corpse back to Candoria, buried it in a chocolatey flow to preserve it, and went to find his friend, the Tomb Raiser.  With the help of the Tomb Raiser, the Candy Barbarian resurrected the llama.  But what emerged from the chocolate was no ordinarily amazing llama.  It was the legendary candy llama!  Realizing the Candy Llama needed a name, the Candy Barbarian called it the only thing possible for such a brilliant entity: Sally.


And then they rode off into the sunset.