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Commented on Dino Tamer Story Contest page
I saw you say that 100 words was more of a suggestion, so I have two versions of this. One is under 100 words, the other is around 150 words but more detailed. Please look at the more detailed one if it is elgalible, but if not do take the shorter one into consideration please. Thank you!
Shorter Story:
Jersokai was working with his brother when it all went wrong. He was no scientist like his brother, but even he could smell trouble when the red lights began beeping. "Jersokai! Get out of here!" his brother called.
"Not if you don't come with!" He shouted back.
"I need to shut it o-" His brother was cut off as a chunk of machinery flew at his head, knocking him out. More and more debris flew around in circles. Panicking, Jersokai grabbed his gun. He shot desperately at the beta-teleporter that started all of this. A blinding light flashed...
More Detailed Story:
Jersokai was working with his brother when it all went wrong. He was no scientist like his brother, but even he could smell trouble when the red lights began beeping and alarms sounded. "Jersokai! Get out of here!" his brother called.
"Not if you don't come with!" He shouted back.
"I need to shut it o-" His brother was cut off as a chunk of machinery flew at his head, knocking him out. More and more debris flew around in circles, causing a painful racket of noise. Panicking, Jersokai grabbed his gun. He shot desperately at the beta-teleporter that started all of this, somehow still unharmed. A blinding light flashed...
Hours later, Jersokai awoke beneath a jungle canopy. He did not know what happened, he did not care. He wept... Eventually, he got up, and saw many dinosaurs in the forest shadows. He flinched back, before bravery fired his heart as he walked towards them, determined to start anew in this strange place.
Thank you for your time!