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Commented on We are the Ganja Guard page
We are the Ganja Guard, we are here to do 2 things.... Play Trove, and have fun doing it!
Do we care about your PR rank. Nope.
Do we care if you good or not at Trove. Nope.
What do we care about?
We care about our drama free atmosphere that we have created in our club. Every member is here because they agree to promote this atmosphere. Our members range from players who have played since beta, to players who are just starting out. Some of our top members are even over 19k PR, but in this club that doesn't mean your better then everyone else. Every member is treated equal.
At time of writing we have almost 500 members, and we hold daily PVP contests away give away mounts, tomes, pearls, and flux to the winners. We also have over 8 custom arena and new ones being finished every month!
Checkout one of our coolest arena's based on the gardens of Hyrule Castle!
If your looking for an awesome club, whith a chat thats sometimes more active then global (true story). where you can find plenty of members to help you with that ST, or even carry you if we are free, then join the Ganja Guard today!
Requirements to Join:
Must be 18+
Must agree to follow the rules.
No Drama
No Begging for items or carries
No Ninja Inviting (ask before inviting!)
That's it, simple and sweet!