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Commented on vantage point Dungeon (1 Star) creation

Hello there!

Whoa, the new version has so many changes in it. The new gameplay rooms fit so well with the rest of the dungeon, nice!

Both entrance_1 and entrance_2 are looking good. The differences between them are noticeable and significant, well done :)

It could be nice to have some traps/turrets at the boss locations, and may be some natural decorations (like /wadd placeable/deco/geode_hub_grass_01 for example) on the bottom, but not having them is quite alright too.

The undergroundroom_1 and undergroundroom_2 however, could use a bit more love.

Both rooms have this pillar in a middle of a corridor, it is a good obstacle but it needs more room to the left and right of it. Moving it to a wider area of a room could help with that.

Also in a undergroundroom_1 i would suggest to place the portal on the floor instead of an elevated shelf, currently it is very easy to miss.

The undergroundroom_2 is a bit more complicated. Currently both rooms offer same flow through them, i think having the _2 go clockwise (instead of counterclockwise like _1 has) could be a good way to make them feel different.

Also, this _2 is made entirely out of natural blocks, the cave feels dark and intimidating. Having path/floor of a different color could help to navigate through it. For example, a blue version of Geode Dirt could work as a nice highlight for a path (/wadd placeable/block/natural/geodescardirt or geodevugdirt ).


Could you please upload screenshots of a new version? Screenshots are the first impression that anybody gets from checking this creation, so it is important to keep them up to date. It would also be good to disable mods that change the color of the biome for the screenshots.

You already did a lot of work on this dungeon, and it is very close to being perfect. Hoping to see it on review again soon!