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Commented on Pockinobi Blade Melee creation


Quick reply to this specific question - we do need to stick to required dimensions!

Some styles, like Ronin's Blade, have bigger dimensions, you could find a decent amount of styles breaking the guidelines if they belong to a costumes/mods. Most of the time costumes made by the dev team do follow all the guidelines though, but there are a few exceptions.

Thing is, if a style belongs to a costume it only needs to work with that costume. Styles that are made here on Creations do not have costumes associated with them and so they need to work with as many outfits as possible - this is ensured by sticking to required dimensions.

Also, if you are planning to make such a costume and then submit it to Developers - please make sure that the styles you include in the Mod are not the same as the  ones that got approved here. If both the styles from here and the costume get in game there would be duplicate entries in the collections.