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Commented on T.rex Helmet creation

Hello o/

Its really good to see more helmets, you have a real talent for making them :)

The Trex is looking incredible, and you nailed the material maps!

Only piece of feedback that i have is that it looks weird on the players head if they have a head style equipped, it shows the full forehead and some part of the hairless scalp.

I would suggest either: moving the helmet down so there are visible eyes+eyebrows in the mouth. Closing off the back of the mouth could be another option.

Another thing, its generally not ideal if helmet blocks rely on replacing head blocks (on the visible outside part). But from what i can see, the current design only does that on a couple of corners on the back?

Also! You are not supposed to have more than 1 active creation (of the same type) with a Review flag. The website would try and stop you from sending another creation to active if you already have something in that 'creation slot'. This restriction exists to hopefully encourage creators to put more effort into one creation rather than working on every possible idea at the same time, and also makes the queue more fair. With a limit on creations of NeedsReview status one user would not be able to flood the review queue making it impossible for other users to get their creation reviewed in a reasonable amount of time.

Im going to change the status of this one to Active, please make sure that the helmet looks good with a head equipped :)