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Commented on Random Cave Dungeon Dungeon (3 Star) creation

Hello again!

Whoa, you ve made some really good progress with this dungeon :) Getting very close to fully functional and fun!

Boss rooms - these feel much more spacious now and are suitable for both kids of objectives!

end_big_boss - only has one variation, may be a room without liquid but with traps for option 2?
end_small_boss_1 and boss_2 - both rooms are identical, please add/remove something to make them differ. also, these need to be using GM Quest - a chest without any crowns. The green crown chest (GM Master Quest) is used for 5-star dungeons only.

Left & Right corridors are just perfect - well done!

Down corridors - all the left, straight and right ones of these are using antigravity blocks, this is a bit too much considering the amount of times this kind of room spawns in a dungeon. Would be really good if some of them had Jump pads and Updraft blocks instead.

Straight corridors - all these look almost the same, only difference i can spot is a size/location of acid? When they spawn in a row the corridor looks very plain. Would be great if they had same variety as Left and Right corridors offer.

Start - the 3 entrances work really good! Much easier to tell which way to go :) 

However, the fake air roof would do absolutely nothing if it sits straight on the solid blocks, just like in a previous version of this dungeon - it would work better if it was 7-10 blocks above the highest block of an entrance construction, and it does need to go out a bit, currently the actual entrance side will be as easily obstructed.

The start piece could also use a variation, but the current biggest issue is a pool of liquid in the middle of it. Without any blocks below that the liquid (and players) will fall down creating two things that need to be avoided - lots of falling liquids (these are bad for consoles) and players possibly getting stuck. Some of the corridors have the same issue - it would be best to fix all such holes.

One last push and this dungeon should be done, i hope :)