
There are 3 pools per liquid. Pool 1(water) will only give Froggy, Wranglerfish, Bruce. No other fish will be caught in that pool once identified. This becomes important info once you get to Deep Ones. Deep Ones is just the name of a new rarity if fish, depth of water doesn't have an effect. For water the Deep One is the (Snugglebug), it can only be caught in pool number 2. Meaning if you catch Sluggo or Blue Squarid and have the Murk pool equipped (Murk is needed to catch Deep Ones otherwise you will just get a Bruce in water pools) you will get Snugglebug as the rare fish. The "@ Sea of Eternity" is telling you that all pools in Everdark Sea of Eternity will give Snugglebug regardless of pool number. The fish listed at the bottom from Irradium Orefish down are catch outside of pools.