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Commented on Robotic Remover Pistol creation

I see it's been a while since you were last here in creations, welcome back! ^^

As for your question about the glowing part, since you are using Troxel, you need to make sure you download all the proper material maps from your creation.

The qb main map is the base of your weapon.

The s map controls the type of shine on the blocks, like metal.

The t map controls the block type, like if it is glowing or glass.

The a map controls the transparency of the glass.

After you download these you can convert them into blueprints.
When turning these all into blueprints the main map gains the qualities of all the material maps so you will only need to use that one.
Hopefully this helps with your glowing issue ^^

Two more things, when uploading to the creations page you need to keep the blueprint updated to your latest model so we know which one you are submitting, and then use this template for naming your weapon blueprint 

"equipment_weapon_pistol_robotic_remover[your ign]"

Make sure your in-game name is in the brackets ^^

Sending this back to active for now, hope to see it again soon!