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Commented on Trovian Hotspot Spear creation

Hello :)

This is great, i really like the idea! I think its alright to have some not-sharp spears, i can recall at least a Swinging Sapling and Pot o' Gold Poker styles that happily exist in collections.

It seems i cant approve it right away though, as material maps are overlapping each other. For the glowing-hot-metal part you are using both Glowing on Type map and Iridescent on Specular map. Game engine can not render something that is 'glowing iridescent' or 'glowing metal', or 'glass metal' and so on. If something it mapped on Type as glass/glowing/glowing glass - it must be Rough on Specular. Other way around is valid too, if something is mapped on Specular as waxy/water/metal/iridescent - it must be plain white (255.255.255) on Type.

Im aware that visual guide on Trove Wiki is using an map overlap in the example, but that is not something i can update and i do try to warn everyone about it.

I have highlighted those overlapping areas in yellow, you can see same blocks marked on both maps. An option without Type map would work as fine as Rough-on-Specular one, but it cant be the current lay out :( 

You can always check for such issues with Lint and Export button in Troxel. Open your design and find Trove Creations section on the right side bar navigation. Select the type of your opened creation and click it - that will highlight all possible technical issues, if there are any.

Also, please be sure to take screenshots of the weapons on appropriate classes. Meaning, Knight does not wield a spear in game, so previewing it on knight is not quite informative. You can use the /wp blueprintname outside of the Metaforge too! Other players wont see it, just like they dont see mods you might be using.

Going to set this one to Active for now. Hoping to see it again on review with proper maps!