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Commented on Robotic Remover Pistol creation
Ylva Creations Team
November,17 2020 09:43Hello!
Oh whoa, im so sorry. For some reason i did not see the ping from this gun going on review >_< Good thing someone else posted other creation that pinged.
About the design, its a solid idea and the shape looks good too. I dont think we have a neon gun that looks quite like this in game yet, but there is some room for improvement.
First of all, colors. On your Troxel model you use the Attachment Point (255.0.255 RGB) to color the sides of the model, that is not something that can happen. Each blueprint can contain only one voxel colored like that because depending on its position the game knows where to put the model. Multiple APs confuse it and make models appear in unexpected places.
I see your screenshots show somewhat different design, and uploaded files show that one too, but Troxel is what i and developers will check first before considering to approve/accept/download. Please be sure to always update Troxel link.
Another thing, and this applies to both versions, some shading could really contribute to the charm of the design. At the moment there are 2 shades of black and one shade for grey for metal. If you were to brighten parts that light (imaginary) falls on and darken parts that stay in the shadow it would add some nice depth to the model which otherwise might seem 2d in game.
Also it could be good to shift from pink/blue pure Neon colors and use some color combination from Luminopolis sub biome. There are less styles that belong to it.
Again i apologize for such a long delay. Going to change status of this creation to Active for now, if you set it back to review and there is no response in a week or two please feel free to manually poke me about it through Trovesaurus mail.