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Commented on Daughterly Hair Hair creation
Ylva Creations Team
March,13 2020 18:24Hello and welcome :)
Hair looks like a really interesting design, i like the idea :D This would be the first hair ever posted on Trovesaurus, but we are allowed to approve them :)
Texture you made looks works really nicely! May be it would be worth it to add those 'bumps' on the back too, just like on Dotm herself?
Also with hats hairstyle works great, but wearing mask leaves somewhat weird curls on the sides:
Would be good if those could be re-shaped a bit.
Going to set it to Active for now, but please do change status back to Review if you upload changes :)
As for posting on Trovesaurus, you did great :)
You could also upload your own blueprint of your creation (button Files, next to Edit and Images), but do keep an eye on naming, for hairstyles it should be something along the lines of c_p_hair_hairstylename[creatorsname].blueprint
so in your case c_p_hair_dotm[FailedVictory].blueprint
or any other name you d like to give your hairstyle. Creators name should be your in-game name (and should also be your Trovesaurus name). With that and platform set in your profile devs would be able to send rewards for getting a creation in game. I doublecheck and rename/upload missing blueprints when i approve anyways, but it saves me some time if creators do that themselves.
Same for catalog image, these are completely optional. Its good if you do upload one but i ll upload one for approved creation anyways :)
Edit Ps : forgot to mention, it would be great if you could grab screenshots of other classes using your hairstyle + with hat/face.