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Commented on Lore Week page

1. Adventurers: What are their backstory's before they came to geode. What was their life like before they got summoned on by geode.

2. Mounts: How do all or any of the mounts including dragons tie into the entire story line of trove.

3.  Sun & Moon Goddesses: Where did the sun & moon goddesses go after the overwhelming and powerful light that the sun goddess used to get rid of the shadows.

4. Geode & Crystal Storm: Why are there two different updates of trove: geode & crystal storm? Why not just one but have them like the bomber royal mode where you can switch between them.

5. Bomber Royal: Also how does bomber royal fit in with the whole idea of destroying the shadows to bring back peace in the world of trove.

6. Shadow Tower & Bosses: How did the shadow tower come to trove and how did the bosses within the tower (Normal,Medium,Hard,Ultra Hard) come as well.

7. Crystal Storm: Why is it called crystal storm? Is there a reason for calling it crystal storm.

8. Luxion: Where he came from/lives? Does he live in the cursed sky lands or dragonfire peaks.

That's all I would like to know about for now thanks. :)