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Commented on Lore Week page
Three types of lore... To improve the website, is it? This isn't my first language and I'm not very familiar with the website, but I'll try.
1) The story's characters and how they're represented. Not only the main story, but all biome-related story. (Geode, Luminopolis, so on) The dragons often have lore, too!
To improve: Have "Lore" pages dedicated to the important characters and a wiki-like description of them and their known or theorized relationships, maybe link to the already-existing "collections", the styles related to those characters so people get a feeling of how they're around despite the story not really having an obvious presence by itself.
2) The narrative itself. The story in Trove is as fragmented as the world and doesn't seem to connect all the time, so it's hard to really keep your attention up for it sometimes.
To improve: Maybe have a single "Story" page under Database, listing known elements of the story thus far, for main story, biome story or otherwise, potentially linking the involved characters to the "Lore" pages suggested in 1).
3) I don't know if this is what you were looking for, but the "meta" lore, for styles but specifically for the dungeons. One thing I find interesting in Trove is how so much is user-created. It's such a big presence in the game, and learning more about the creators's vision is part of the fun.
To improve: Styles and dungeons already have a link to the source of who's submitted them. I think it would be nice to also have a blurb directly indicating what the intention and story behind the design was, when one was provided.
I hope I made sense or/and manage to give a constructive opinion? I'm still not sure if I'm answering the question right.