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Commented on August Site Goals page

I would really like a quick guide on market flipping/ making flux in effective ways. My friends and I do this alot and with good success, so I think new players should get access to these techniques aswell. Especially becouse it helps stabalize prizes, counter inflation and overall hurts no party of the market users. Another thing id like to see is a mastery 1-300 guide, explaining step by step how to grind up your mastery bit by bit. The same goes for a good PR-guide. Naturally there are already many of these on this or other websites, but if we could get a few "professionels" to write those, maybe reward them with a trove pack, and thus bringing them to make in depth-guides, with short videos, pictures, a little humorous and witty and naturally with a lot of heart, they would be really great to read. Hell, i might do one on fishing or stuff like that. Anyway: Another thing id like to see more on this website are, naturally, more Pinata-Partys, giveaways, Club-Code-Hunts and maybe even a list of clubs with great Battlearenas/ rollercoasters, fun games, songs, ... (To give the pros who already "beat the game" something to do). Furthermore id just like to state here that i highly appreciate all the work that flows into this website. KEEP IT UP guys. 

PS: Maybe make up a forum-thingy were we can speculate about things to come, discuss patches, and fantazise about lore behind Trove.