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Commented on Pirrot Farming - The Essential Method for Leveling Your Club and Earning Adventurine page
Isn't this a game-breaking exploit rather than a game strategy?
It seems to take about 10 minutes for a "normal" 30 adventurine club quest even in lower level worlds, but "pirrot farming" yields the same result in under a minute. It kind of ruins the whole point of even having the update if the only thing you ever need to do to grind experience and clubits is to click switch world / accept quest for an hour or two a day to max a quest limit that should have been almost impossible to reach in 24 hours of normal play.
Those other quests are actually kind of fun, and it dissapoints me to think 90% of "players in the know" will never do any of them.
Unfortuneately it's probably too late for Trion to remove or fix the pirrot quest and then reset clubits and club experience. Such a waste of developer time. (seems trivial to limit 1 "skulls" to only giving out only a few pirrot kills max, but if it's that tough, they could just remove the quest)
Now CETTE, don't get me wrong. I'm glad you posted this. If some players are going to make use of this mechanic I think it is far more fair / better if everyone knows about it, so thank you for a great guide on an unfortunate strategy.