Breeze-Borne Blossom Wings
Rare result from [item=Chaos Chest] or crafted using the [item=Chaos Core Crafter] (Premium Collectibles) with the following material:
- [item=Chaos Core] x 20
- [item=Flux] x 150,000
- [item=Radiant Shard] x 3000
- [item=Sunlight Bulb] x 3000
- [item=Bottle] x 600
Crafted at:
잠금 해제
Using the following items can unlock this collection
날개: 브리즈-본 블로섬 날개
[Wings: Breeze-Borne Blossom Wings]
Wings | | 100 Movement Speed | 100 Glide |
날개: 브리즈-본 블로섬 날개
[Wings: Breeze-Borne Blossom Wings]
Wings | | 100 Movement Speed | 100 Glide |
Featured Collectable
Can be purchased from the Hub for Credits
- 1000 | May 8, 2023 to May 15, 2023.
- 1000 | March 15, 2022 to March 22, 2022.
? Wings allow the player to glide through the air.
제작자: Trove Team
Icon blueprint: equipment_wings_flower_white_01
External Links: View on Trove Wiki