Resistor Bastion
Dev Tracker
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Resistor Bastion"
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Resistor Bastion"
PTS Patch Notes - February 17, 2018
PostCard / Trove Forums
Preview: tormers spawning from beacons. The Resistor Bastion costume will now properly Show
Additional Updates
- Tweaked the cinnabar costs for the Tentakiller beacon to be consistent from Tier I to Tier III.
- The Vanguardian Super Upgrade is now only available if the Vanguardian Pack is purchased.
- The Defeat Pirrot Lords Club Adventure now also correctly specifies that Pirrot Captains will count as well.
- Players who throw beacons should now receive a Sentience Shard regardless of how far the beacon is thrown.
- Updated text for catching Neon Darters in Neon City.
- Updated the text for the Defeat Enemies adventure in Luminopolis - it was erroneously stating 15 enemies instead of 10.
- An audio effect has been added for Gigastormers spawning from beacons.
- The Resistor Bastion costume will now properly unlock using the "Costume: Resistor Bastion" item.
- The Welcome Screen art for Loot Day has been updated.